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macrumors newbie
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Apr 21, 2019
My (heavily upgraded) Quicksilver and G5 Powermac have been sitting in a corner, doing nothing, for a few years. I'm evaluating the things I do and do not want to take with me when I move and I don't think I have a need/use for these.

I hit up a facebook group, and got some advice that the G4 upgrade might be of interest/value to someone. I also sent some messages to two local Apple User Groups, asking if they have any G4/G5 enthusiasts. I'd love to not have to ship these.

What do you all think? Am I missing any avenues of potential interest? Would anyone want to give me more advice on their actual value?
In order to give you more advice, we'd have to know actual details.

Care to list the specs of your G4 and G5?
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I made an album with some pictures:

The Quicksilver (3,4) has a SIIG USB2/FW800/FW card, and SATA card and 200G WD SATA drive in it, a GeForce 7800GS, and a Sonnet Dual 1.8Ghz upgrade.

The Dual 2Ghz G5 (11,2) has 5G of RAM but is probably mostly stock beyond that, I don't remember doing much upgrading on that one, but I can screenshot more of the system profile pages to be sure.
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Shipping for these machines being costly and, in the G5's case, likely damage-inducing, your location would be another important detail. If not specific, then at least the state if you're in the U.S.; or country/region if you're not.
Shipping for these machines being costly and, in the G5's case, likely damage-inducing, your location would be another important detail. If not specific, then at least the state if you're in the U.S.; or country/region if you're not.

This is gonna look like repeat information later because my last response is awaiting moderation (probably because I linked to pictures) but:

The Quicksilver (3,4) has a SIIG USB2/FW800/FW card, and SATA card and 200G WD SATA drive in it, a GeForce 7800GS, and a Sonnet Dual 1.8Ghz upgrade.

The Dual 2Ghz G5 (11,2) has 5G of RAM but is probably mostly stock beyond that, I don't remember doing much upgrading on that one, but I can screenshot more of the system profile pages to be sure.

And I'm in the Chicagoland area, currently. I certainly know about the shipping issues, the bent top arms of the G5 happened when that unit got shipped to me.
This is gonna look like repeat information later because my last response is awaiting moderation (probably because I linked to pictures) but:

The Quicksilver (3,4) has a SIIG USB2/FW800/FW card, and SATA card and 200G WD SATA drive in it, a GeForce 7800GS, and a Sonnet Dual 1.8Ghz upgrade.

The Dual 2Ghz G5 (11,2) has 5G of RAM but is probably mostly stock beyond that, I don't remember doing much upgrading on that one, but I can screenshot more of the system profile pages to be sure.

And I'm in the Chicagoland area, currently. I certainly know about the shipping issues, the bent top arms of the G5 happened when that unit got shipped to me.

That Sonnet Dual 1.8 and the GeForce 7800GS will fetch a pretty penny on eBay & elsewhere. Each represents the most powerful kit of their respective kinds available for Power Mac G4's. Shipping for those is relatively easy and cheap as well.

Your G5 is one of the better ones, seeing it's capable of >4GB of RAM. There would be demand among enthusiasts for such a system - me for instance, although Chi-town is too far away for me personally.

If you happen to still have the Quicksilver's original CPU and graphics card, I'm sure that in a place with the population of Chicago(land) you'd find someone willing to take it off your hands for free/peanuts. Same for the G5. I'd put them both on your local Craigslist/LetGo or eBay with local pickup. Good luck!
Honestly, I'd be comfortable asking $150-200 for the Quicksilver. That's a steep price considering they are normally free or can be acquired for $20 or less. But you've got a Sonnet Dual. Alone, I paid $250 for my Sonnet Dual so I don't think the price I'm stating is that far off. You've also got a PCI SATA card which means compatibility with modern hard drives and then there is the SIIG card.

Essentially you've got a G4 that can deal with modern accessories and that counts for something.

The G5 I'd probably value at $45-50. Might have been worth a little more, but…bent handles.
If you happen to still have the Quicksilver's original CPU and graphics card, I'm sure that in a place with the population of Chicago(land) you'd find someone willing to take it off your hands for free/peanuts. Same for the G5. I'd put them both on your local Craigslist/LetGo or eBay with local pickup. Good luck!

I feel like I put the original CPU in the Sonnet box and have seen that box in the last few years... I will keep looking.
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Would anyone want to give me more advice on their actual value?

Honestly, I'd be comfortable asking $150-200 for the Quicksilver.

FWIW, from someone who has an appreciation for such things, if I saw your QS with all those upgrades for sale on my local Craigslist for only $150, I'd jump at it. No question. To me, the Sonnet 1.8 Dual would be worth that much or more by itself, and the GeForce 7800GS by itself perhaps even a little more.

Strictly from an economic perspective, if I didn't want those components for myself, one could make a quick buck from simply reselling them. But being an enthusiast, in reality I'd almost certainly keep them and feel like I got more than a fair deal at that price.

What I'm saying is, unless you're in a hurry for the cash, don't let somebody low-ball you. You've got some valuable stuff there. :)
Sadly, I did not find anyone interested enough to catch the G4 or G5 before I moved. Now I'm North of Denver and have still had no luck trying to sell them locally on facebook or Nextdoor. I guess I can try craigslist again... but I think I will have to try and ship them. Any advice on that?

I don't have any of the original boxes for the powermacs or the cpu or other upgrade cards, and would still rather not part out the G4, if possible. The G5 got the top rails bent when it got shipped to me, years ago, so I know the dangers there, but I feel that most of that damage has already been done.
If you can overcome your disinclination to part out the QS, you could eBay the parts for probably much more than it would fetch as a whole with shippping. QSes aren't that rare and usually don't fetch very much in stock condition.

The G5 is a problem as it realistically needs to be collected by the buyer and the market for those is up and down - currently soft. If you can't find a local buyer, your best bet would be to cut your losses and strip out the logic board, CPUs, RAM and maybe a bundle of cables/fans etc. Anything that will ship for relatively little. The cases used to be sought after for modders but not so much now.
This post is from last April - with an update saying the move was complete in August, with their last visit to the MacRumors forums being last August.
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