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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 5, 2008
For the past few days, my i-mac (10.4.11) has been playing music randomly. I'm not sure what the cause is, but I assumed it could be limewire, so I deleted it. I'm currently using Macscan to look for spyware, but no spyware files have been detected. I know what program it plays through-- Safari. and as far as I can tell it always plays my i-tunes songs. I would really appreciate some help, if anyone has some insight on this issue.
For? I have the weather, calc, clock, and calender --- no i-tunes widget, if that's what I'm looking for.
Alright, so it only plays when safari is open? And it always plays when safari is open?
Only with safari, but it picks random times. Once it starts, it doesn't stop, though.
This is a fascinating thread, albeit not amusing for you. Here's a thought from left field - do you have in your Safari Bookmarks a radio station? My thinking is that a radio station is somehow programmed to begin playing via your browser.

Three suggestions: 1) note what music (title) you hear being played when it starts or is in progress and check it against what you have in iTunes; 2) check your router's activity light when the music begins playing and 3) try Firefox as an alternative browser to see if it does what Safari has been doing.
Just an update, since I uninstalled Limewire and scanned my computer for spyware programs(only found tracking cookies), I haven't had any of the "ghost music"..

Lol, Hughvane, it was kind of funny the first time--- my cousin had my i-phone in his hand when it first happen, and I thought he was using the remote to mess with my i-tunes. Then I turned it off...and the music kept playing. But thanks, like I said so far so good, but if it happens again I'll try what you're saying and go from there.
Hmm, does anyone else hear it? It's not "All along the Watch Tower", is it?
Random Music

We have had this happen a couple of computers and am still trying to solve the porblem- same songs just keeps looping- and it's not a full song just sort of a jingle or part of a song.
Just found the problem-

Those darn Widgets- The person using the laptop had downloaded a communication widget that started playing a song when other people came on line.

Check Your Widgets!
answer to all ur problems

do u have the widget that is a pinball game because that was what was causing the music to play on mine
This happened to me too

I was in my office working. I had vmware running, but no programs running in it, Google chrome with some email admin pages open, two remote desktops running but with nothing related to music. (It's a medical billing office and all servers and computers I am connected to don't play music)

I heard a silly song play. An old-time Charleston sounding song and it played all the way through and stopped. I pressed F3 to see all the windows I had open and nothing having to do with music was running.

The music was crystal clear and I even had a coworker come listen. This is very strange indeed!

Btw, no widgets that play music and no alarms are set.
I heard a silly song play. An old-time Charleston sounding song and it played all the way through and stopped.

Did you see Al Capone dancing on top of a flagpole? Time to call an exorcist.

You should check the Library -> Widgets folder, both in your Library folder and the mac's Library folder. Start up each widget that could possibly be the culprit, and see if you find a music playing one. Then you can quit it.

Perhaps it is a widget in the background on the dashboard.
Odd, it happened to me today also. For the first time ever I logged out of my 5,1 MacBook Pro, and then put it to sleep. Usually, I just put it to sleep. A few minutes after I woke it up and signed in some silly music started playing. iTunes was off but the music was coming from my computer. One song played and then it stopped after completion.I went to Mac preferences, accounts, log in items, and think it might be some kind of iTunes helper that kicks on when I log in.
Ha! Just learned that the music was some new video Google has put out to advertise the new priority mail features..
I know why

Do you have a widget on your dashboard called Open fire or something like that? It is a widget game where you shoot tanks and it was the source of my music problems.
Help me....

I know it's been years since anyone's replied to this thread but... I'm on a mac book pro and for whatever reason some radio station just keeps playing when I'm just doing work like usual... As I write this skrillex is playing in the background. I don't even have any music by skrillex D: Help me......
Music playing in the background

To resolve this issue press f12 this will pull up your widgets. The program playing ghost music should be available. I downloaded a program in the past to manipulate sound which plays automatically. I have been trying to find the source for months.

I am having th
For the past few days, my i-mac (10.4.11) has been playing music randomly. I'm not sure what the cause is, but I assumed it could be limewire, so I deleted it. I'm currently using Macscan to look for spyware, but no spyware files have been detected. I know what program it plays through-- Safari. and as far as I can tell it always plays my i-tunes songs. I would really appreciate some help, if anyone has some insight on this issue.
e same problem. I have Firefox open with multiple tabs. My emails is also open in one of those tabs. When it happens, a speaker icon shows up on the tab for my open email. I can hir mute, and the music stops and puts a diagonal line through the speaker icon on the email tab. I just don't know what the song is or how to track and remove whatever is causing it.
I am having th

e same problem. I have Firefox open with multiple tabs. My emails is also open in one of those tabs. When it happens, a speaker icon shows up on the tab for my open email. I can hir mute, and the music stops and puts a diagonal line through the speaker icon on the email tab. I just don't know what the song is or how to track and remove whatever is causing it.

I too faced the same problem a few minutes ago. When I opened my mac I clicked on the widgets. On removing all the widgets it stopped.

Hope this may be of any help.
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