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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 24, 2017
I bought my Mac Mini new in 2012, and for the most part, it has served me well. A little over a year ago it died on me, but I was able to get it running again. However, a few months ago, it finally kicked the bucket. Since then, I’ve been surviving with just my iPad at home while hoping a new Mini would be introduced. I can’t last much longer without a desktop at home. I don’t use it for any heavy computing, so I don’t need a powerful computer. The Mini fit my needs well. So my dilemma is this: should I just get an iMac and forget about the Mini? I have a decent Dell 27” monitort that fits my needs so a new iMac seems like a waste. On the other hand, I could just buy another Mini (2014 model), but I hate the idea of buying a new computer that is already 3 years old. Any suggestions?
Sorry for the lack of details. I was trying to keep the post short! So over a year ago when it first died (wouldn’t power up) a friend took it apart and found some loose solders, which he fixed. A few months after that, it wouldn’t power up again (when I push the power button, the light flashes once and that’s it), and we discovered that I could get it to power up by heating it up with a hair dryer. Once it powered up, it was fine. Until a few months ago, when powering it up using a hair dryer would only last 5 minutes, then it would die. I did find that as long as the hair dryer was heating the unit, it would stay on, but now nothing works and pushing the power button does nothing except the light flashes for a second. Oh, and the “chime” hasn’t been there for over a year.
I don't quite like buying a used computer myself but in this case a used 2014 model may be attractive.
You can get a 2014 Mini from the Apple refurb store for a reasonable price... and still be positioned to get a newer one when (if) they come.
It gets to the point that one of the 2016 MacBook Pros could be worth it if you can live with the contentious keyboards and you can afford the extra outlay - you would only need a Thunderbolt 3 adaptor to fit your monitor. Or run it in closed clamshell mode and attach a docking station to deal with all the port loss.

I note the MacBook Pros are constantly on some sort of deal from third party retailers and it does make you wonder why since they've not been a current model for over half a year. Are Apple still clearing out warehouses after such a long time? Unofficially making them for discount retailers like B&H to fill a gap in the market since the 2017 model costs so much more than the 2015?
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I’m sorry that’s a Apple has abandoned us like this. I hope you find a good deal on an alternative Mac that still meets most of your criteria.
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