My 6s plus was just accidentally run over this week. Until that happened, I was not planning to buy a new iPhone until 2020. Now, however, I need to get a new one ASAP. I ordered an XR and planned to pick it up tomorrow, but now I am having buyer's remorse and wondering if I should get the 11 or even the 11 Pro Max instead. I generally like the bigger screen because I can't read smaller screens well anymore without reading glasses. Sigh.
Thoughts on what to go with? I generally keep my phones 2-3 years, and usually don't buy the newest one- when I bought my 6s plus, the 7 had just been released.
Thoughts on what to go with? I generally keep my phones 2-3 years, and usually don't buy the newest one- when I bought my 6s plus, the 7 had just been released.