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Oct 18, 2020
I thought I'd put up a comparison of the AirPods Max (APM) and the Bang and Olufsen H95 (H95's) Headphones. I've owned both for a while now (initially returning my APM - will get into that later) but thought some my be interested in a comparison of these two very nice and expensive wireless headphones. Most of the pictures are going to be of the H95s as there are a million pictures of the AirPods Max on here.

The cases.

Obviously this is a win for the H95's. The APM case is just kind of lazy in my opinion. It is somewhat functional but overall not very protective and just kind of stupid looking. The H95 case is really really nice. Its aluminum and is total quality. Although I will say not super travel friendly either as it is a little bulky but not preventative from throwing it in a bag. I'd give the win here to the H95s as its just a more quality case. It also has this nice little compartment for storing your audio and charging cables. I also like that the H95s fold up and also fold inward. It makes traveling with them nicer as well as wearing them around your neck much more comfortable. They also provide braided USB-C and Audio Cable which is a nice touch. I'm just not a fan of the flimsy lightning connector that Apple provides.

Winner: H95, although 3rd party cases could render this a win for Apple. But out of the box its the H95's.



Build quality:

Both of these Headphones are built extremely well. Both are aluminum with different types of bands and materials used in their respective bands. The H95s have aluminum bands and the APM use stainless steel. Both feel premium. I am going to give the edge here though to the H95s as they use premium leather on the ear cups as opposed to the mesh material Apple uses. To me the leather feels better and just has more quality to it. Both have magnetic ear cups and physical buttons to control noise cancelling and volume. I personally love both implementations here but think the dials on the H95s are slightly better as you can adjust the ANC and Transparency to your liking by rotating the dial up and down. Same with the volume. This isn't to say that Apple's implementation is bad, its also great. But I personally like the H95s a little better. The other reason the H95s win for me here too is because they have an off button which I find it ridiculous that the APM don't have that simple feature.

You could make the argument that Apple went with the material they use to make it more breathable. I have not found that to be the case. If I wear the APM for extended periods I do get slight condensation on the inside of the headphones that many others have reported. With the H95's I have never had this occur. I don't know why the APM causes this but I think it does have something to do with the material that Apple went with for the ear cups. For whatever reason it traps all moisture and causes that condensation build up. To me its not a big issue as I haven't had problems but only time will tell if this is going to be something that causes issues for the Airpods Max.

Winner: H95



So obviously this is purely subjective (as are most things here) but this is a tough one for me. I love the look of both of these headphones. I do think that the APM look sleeker when on so I'm going to give them the win here. Apple knows how to differentiate their devices from others and the Airpods Max are immediately recognizable. The H95's to me also look fantastic but they honestly just look like any other set of headphones when you are wearing them. Nothing wrong with that of course but the AirPods Max just look cooler in my opinion.

Winner: AirPods Max


So I initially blasted the APM for how uncomfortable they were for me and I returned them. Upon returning them I purchased the H95 headphones. I loved everything about the APM but the clamping force of them was crushing my skull and was unbearable after only a few minutes. With that being said, the H95s are extremely comfortable. I can wear them for hours and I don't notice they are on. They are more comfortable than the Sony XM3/XM4 and miles more comfortable than the Bose 700. This is all personal preference but I couldn't be happier with the way the H95's feel on my head.

Fast forward to a few days ago and me being in the Apple store. I've heard so many people talk about how comfortable the APM are and it continued to bother me that comfort was such an issue for me with them. I was picking up my wife's new phone and I asked if they had any APM in stock and they had one pair and I bought them. All I can say is that I now know that there was something wrong with my first pair of APM. The comfort of this new pair is night and day compared to my original pair. The crushing clamping force is not at all there and even with their heavy weight they are extremely comfortable for me to wear for hours on end with zero issues. I'm not sure why the first pair I got clamped so hard but there was clearly something wrong with them as these are awesome to wear for extended periods of time with zero issues.

The ear cup openings are slightly larger on the H95's which I find adds to them being even more comfortable than the APM

I have to give a slight edge to the H95's on comfort. The larger ear cup openings as well as the lighter weight gives them a minor win here. Both are extremely comfortable to wear but the H95's edge out the APM just barely.

Winner: H95 (but both are very comfortable)


ANC and Transparency:

This one is a win for the APM. They just do a better overall job of cancelling out sound and also producing a more natural sound in transparency mode. That's not to say that the H95s are bad at this, they are excellent. But somehow Apple has shown everyone what ANC is supposed to be. It drowns out nearly all sound and transparency is incredible, especially on phone calls. One thing I do like with the H95s is the ability to customize both ANC and Transparency with the dial. Its a really nice feature and I enjoy being able to turn the dial on the left side of the headphones to customize the ANC and Transparency. But with that being said, Apple still wins here. I had initially thought that they were equal on ANC but with my second pair of APM that I can directly compare against the H95's I can say that Apple is the clear winner here in both categories.

Winner: AirPods Max


Let me preface this by saying I am not an audiophile. I like clean sounding music that isn't muddled or super base heavy. I've found both the Sony XM3s and XM4s way to muddled and base heavy for my liking and Bose is overall fine but nothing spectacular.. So the question is, which headphone has a better sound? In my opinion, and again, this is purely subjective, I think the H95s do sound better overall. They are honestly the best sounding wireless earphones I have ever used. This is not a knock against the APM in any way. They sound incredible and Apple has knocked it out of the park sound wise. But when compared with the H95s they just aren't quite at that level. Both sound awesome but if I had to say which one sounds better it would be the H95's. Apple kills it with Spatial audio, but I honestly feel like the H95's have constant spatial audio on for every device you are connected to. They sound that good. The H95s are also louder than the APM but I feel like both are easily loud enough for me.

Winner: H95


I think switching from iPhone to iPad on the APM is nice because it does it automatically, but this isn't a big deal to me as its literally the push of a button to switch to the H95s. Its a wash for me on iPhone to Mac as both have needed for me to actually go to Bluetooth in the Menu bar and connect them. Both have multi-point and can be switched very easily. Auto switching with the APM is nice when it works, but I've found it to be mostly buggy and not really a feature that distinguishes the APM from any other wireless headphones right now. I would give the win here to Apple though as immediate pairing across all devices is nice and things like Siri announcing messages just makes using Apple devices together a nice experience.

Winner: AirPods Max

Price: The APM obviously wins here. I do feel like you get a little more for your money with the H95s, but at $800 they are some of the most expensive wireless headphones on the market. For the $549 Apple is asking for I feel like they are appropriately priced. They are far and away better than anything Sony or Bose has out there and deserve to be priced where they are.

Winner: AirPods Max

In summary, you can't go wrong with either sets up these headphones. Apple's first foray into over ear headphones is an awesome experience. The Band and Olufsen H95s are perfect to me in almost every way, but super expensive. If I was going to keep one pair of these I honestly don't know which one I would keep. I am going to keep both as I like what both bring to the table. You absolutely cannot go wrong with either and my guess is that the next version of APM will be even better than the H95s as Apple will have perfected the design and features. If I had to recommend one it would be the AirPods Max simply based on price. I think Apple has done a tremendous job with their first set of wireless over ear headphones (outside of Beats) and I feel like they are absolutely worth what they are charging. For someone who is a little more picky with audio I would recommend the H95's. They are expensive, but pure luxury both in build quality and sound.

Anyway, that's all I have. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.
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nice, thanks for the comparison. weird about your first set of APMs being uncomfortable and the second not being uncomfortable (so, that would be ‘comfortable’, right?). I must’ve lucked out because I find the APMs to be very comfortable - I was worried reading all the posts about clamping force and weight; neither are the case with my set.
nice, thanks for the comparison. weird about your first set of APMs being uncomfortable and the second not being uncomfortable (so, that would be ‘comfortable’, right?). I must’ve lucked out because I find the APMs to be very comfortable - I was worried reading all the posts about clamping force and weight; neither are the case with my set.

Yeah I don't know why, but the first pair I had felt like they were crushing my skull. I could hear my heartbeat really loudly the pressure was so intense on my temples. For whatever reason these are completely different. The moment I put them on they felt extremely comfortable and none of that clamping pressure was there. I've actually had them on since 6am this morning and I don't feel any pressure or weight from wearing them.
Thanks for the pics. I’m getting pain when I wear APM for an extended time, from both the clamping force and the larger earcups (exterior). When I recline a bit, my pillow pushes the earcup into the back of my ear. I think the H95’s smaller size will help me.

I will miss the integration but the APM are going back, so it’s down to my old wired cans or H95.
Interesting read.

In EU the APM are 630euros vs 700euros for the H95's.

-Would that change your mind on which you would recommend considering the price difference isn't that big in Europe?
-I don't really care for ANC performance that much. But I hated my XM2's that had a "hissing noise" due to ANC that gave my headaches with that cabine pressure feel. This is pretty personal as not everybody is sensible to that type of noise, but does one do better in that regards?
-Latency in movies/games on both?

(H95's are really tempting, but I like how easy and fast it is to resell Apple's product when I need to upgrade, probably gonna loose a lot more on the H95's)
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$899AUD v $1399 here.
And £549 vs £700 in the UK.
On balance I’d say the H95 are comparatively worth the extra based on the beautiful (but equally impractical) case and quality of the supplied accessories.
On the sound front, they’re really too close to call so any preference will be largely subjective. If you’re all in on Apple though, the advantages of the H1 and spatial audio are pretty compelling.
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Interesting read.

In EU the APM are 630euros vs 700euros for the H95's.

-Would that change your mind on which you would recommend considering the price difference isn't that big in Europe?
-I don't really care for ANC performance that much. But I hated my XM2's that had a "hissing noise" due to ANC that gave my headaches with that cabine pressure feel. This is pretty personal as not everybody is sensible to that type of noise, but does one do better in that regards?
-Latency in movies/games on both?

(H95's are really tempting, but I like how easy and fast it is to resell Apple's product when I need to upgrade, probably gonna loose a lot more on the H95's)

I also hated the Sony hissing sound. It always bothered me. Neither the H95's nor AirPods Max have that issue as there is no hissing sound. If you are looking for just sound quality then I would say the H95's. There is no latency on movies at all. I'm not a gamer so I can't really say on that one.

I think you will be happy with either, they are both excellent.
I also hated the Sony hissing sound. It always bothered me. Neither the H95's nor AirPods Max have that issue as there is no hissing sound. If you are looking for just sound quality then I would say the H95's. There is no latency on movies at all. I'm not a gamer so I can't really say on that one.

I think you will be happy with either, they are both excellent.
Yeah, the AirPods Max or H95 really aren’t in the same league as the Sony and similar. These play in a different segment based on their sublime build quality alone.
Yeah, the AirPods Max or H95 really aren’t in the same league as the Sony and similar. These play in a different segment based on their sublime build quality alone.

Agreed, and I also agree with you when you say the Audio is really close. I will say that while I don't watch many movies on iPhone or iPad I did try Spatial Audio on the APM and its really mind blowing. Its truly like being in a theater and Apple really nailed it with that feature.
Thanks for this review. Very helpful. Just curious, are you dealing with as much condensation with your second pair of APM?
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Any view on standby life ? The one thing that really annoys me about wireless headphones is the standby battery life being poor - pick up after a few days inactivity and you can't use them. For me the benchmark is Nura - I can leave for a month, and pickup and still have decent battery life.

I don't understand why it is the complicated. My early B&O in ears were awful (had to wake up by plugging in a charger), the B&O H9's seemed to be good as were Bose, but I'm still finding the APM's to be a challenge (and I don't see why I have to put a set of desk headphones back in a case every time after use !). It feels a bit crazy that I can leave an M1 MB Air on standby longer than a set of headphones !
The best part about my AirPods Max is hands-down the transparency mode. It sounds so good and natural, so I can basically use my around-ear headphones while still hearing everything around me like I wasn't wearing any headphones, which is extremely handy in many situations. But it does make me look like a douche when I'm in stores while picking up a takeaway, forgetting to take my headphones off as those I talked to have no way to really understand that I can hear them just as good, if not slightly better with my headphones on compared to taking them off.

The transparency mode on my Bose NC 700, B&O BeoPlay H9i and the Sony WH-1000XM4 are not even close to matching the AirPods Max.
Agreed, and I also agree with you when you say the Audio is really close. I will say that while I don't watch many movies on iPhone or iPad I did try Spatial Audio on the APM and its really mind blowing. Its truly like being in a theater and Apple really nailed it with that feature.

I really enjoy Spatial Audio. I don't really like how it anchors the audio to my iPhone/iPad. But the surround visualisation is amazing. I've tried Dolby Headphones, Dolby Atmos for Headphones, DTS Sound Unbound for headphones, Creative CMSS 3D, Creative SBX, Razer THX and whatnot. All of them besides Dolby Atmos for Headphones ads so much reverb it's sounds like you are listening through a tin can. Dolby Atmos for Headphones is doing much better but it doesn't really provide a great surround visualisation on headphones in my opinion. Spatial Audio on the other hands is great. It adds a great sense of surround visualisation without crazy amounts of reverb. It's just infuriating that it's not supported using Apple TV / tvOS and it's so sad to see that even the new Apple TV does not feature support for Spatial Audio..
It's just infuriating that it's not supported using Apple TV / tvOS and it's so sad to see that even the new Apple TV does not feature support for Spatial Audio..

It honestly makes it really hard to be excited about Spatial Audio.

I'd give that up on every other device if they could just make it work on the Apple TV.

That's where I want to do the majority of content consumption. On the couch - late at night, on a huge screen with the Apple TV and some spatial audio powered up AirPods Pro/Max

It's disheartening that they'd announce a new model and not have tried to tackle this. It makes one think that it's never coming to ATV, which I think will ultimately kill a ton of interest or care about it as a feature.
It honestly makes it really hard to be excited about Spatial Audio.

I'd give that up on every other device if they could just make it work on the Apple TV.

That's where I want to do the majority of content consumption. On the couch - late at night, on a huge screen with the Apple TV and some spatial audio powered up AirPods Pro/Max

It's disheartening that they'd announce a new model and not have tried to tackle this. It makes one think that it's never coming to ATV, which I think will ultimately kill a ton of interest or care about it as a feature.

I think people are conflating Spatial Audio with surround sound. I am surprised they brought Spatial Audio to the iMac. Spatial Audio is surround sound plus placement of the device, and according to people briefed by Apple, it is more about placement of the device than surround. That leads me to believe it would never come to Apple TV since the placement is in relation to a very large screen. Who knows though? This is one of the infuriating parts of Apple.

Having said that, there is no reason they couldn’t add surround to the AirPods Max when using the Apple TV and it is a glaring oversight.
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Any view on standby life ? The one thing that really annoys me about wireless headphones is the standby battery life being poor - pick up after a few days inactivity and you can't use them. For me the benchmark is Nura - I can leave for a month, and pickup and still have decent battery life.

I don't understand why it is the complicated. My early B&O in ears were awful (had to wake up by plugging in a charger), the B&O H9's seemed to be good as were Bose, but I'm still finding the APM's to be a challenge (and I don't see why I have to put a set of desk headphones back in a case every time after use !). It feels a bit crazy that I can leave an M1 MB Air on standby longer than a set of headphones !
I never put my APM in the bra, so it drains about 3-5% a night. As I use them daily (a lot) and charge them every other day to about 75%-95%. If you wouldn’t use them for 3 days is assume they would drain <1% a day.

If you want standby time, my sony xm3’s are 100% for months. But you have to physical put them off. And I don’t trust their power representation.

And what is the use of having cans if you don’t use them?
The APM’s are much nicer in daily use IMHO.
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I own both of these pairs of headphones as well. One thing I will say is that while I personally think they are both equally comfortable, the H95s have better noise cancellation in my opinion with their latest update. I'm not sure if Apple rolled theirs back a little bit or if B&O improved theirs but there is a stark difference now in my opinion with the H95 getting the edge.

To me you can't go wrong with either of these but I'd still probably pick the APM if I had to choose simply because they are less expensive.
I own both of these pairs of headphones as well. One thing I will say is that while I personally think they are both equally comfortable, the H95s have better noise cancellation in my opinion with their latest update. I'm not sure if Apple rolled theirs back a little bit or if B&O improved theirs but there is a stark difference now in my opinion with the H95 getting the edge.

To me you can't go wrong with either of these but I'd still probably pick the APM if I had to choose simply because they are less expensive.
That really surprises me.
what does it dampen so much better? Voices? Monotones?
Just with music on, or also without?
How is transparency now?
That really surprises me.
what does it dampen so much better? Voices? Monotones?
Just with music on, or also without?
How is transparency now?

Yeah it surprised me too. They pushed out a big update a couple of weeks ago and it really improved a lot of things on the H95s. They were already great, but this to me took them to the next level as far as noise cancelling goes.

The Noise cancelling improved in all aspects. With music and without to me, its just slightly better than the AirPods Max. The transparency is also excellent. With that being said, I still prefer the AirPods Max for voice calls.
I also have both but will only be keeping one pair… I’ve had the Airpods Max for about 6 weeks and the B&O H95’s for about 3 weeks.. The clock is ticking on my ability to return the H95 but I’ve already decided which pair I’m keeping…

I want one pair of high quality and well built headphones that can do everything. I use them for music listening, movie watching, travel (noise cancelation is important here) and gaming…

I am not an audiophile but I know what sounds good to my ears. I mainly listen to 70’s, 80 and 90’s Rock and Pop… I have a PS5 and do not want a separate headphone to use when I play games. I am pretty heavy into the Apple ecosystem with an iPhone, a MacBook Air and an Apple TV.

My Airpods Max are Silver and my B&O H95’s are Grey Mist color.

Scores are based on a 1-10 scale with 10 being outstanding and 1 being absolutely terrible.

Build Quality & Materials:

Both are well built and have quality materials and feel. The Airpods Max are a little heavier than the B&O H95’s but I honestly don’t notice any difference between them in build quality or weight once on my head. I can wear both for extended periods of time with no discomfort.

I do have concerns with the Airpods Max’s durability over time for a few reasons. The Airpods Max case is a complete joke and offers little to no actual protection. The ear cups also bump and clank into each other quite often when handling them, putting on and taking them off.. Will this cause issues down the line? Maybe, maybe not.. I also worry about the longevity of the mesh on the headband.
  • Airpods Max = 10
  • B&O H95 = 10
Design / Functions:

They offer vastly different designs. The Airpods Max uses the crown for volume and a button to toggle between ANC modes, skip songs ect. The B&O H95 has dials on the ear cups. One side is used to control volume and the other is used to control ANC levels..

I do prefer the H95’s approach but that’s not to say it’s better. I also like the swipe functions on the H95 as opposed to the Airpods Max multi button push option.

Airpods Max also use the proprietary lightning connector where the B&O H95’s use USB C.. I prefer the USB connection. The Airpods Max does not have a power button and the B&O H95’s does..

The B&O H95’s are foldable whereas the Airpods Max are not. This may or may not be an issue for you but I like the ability to collapse the B&O H95’s… Both have replaceable ear pads that are held on by magnets.
  • Airpods Max = 9
  • B&O H95 = 9.5
The Apple Ecosystem or not:

Obviously the Airpods Max integrate seamlessly with other Apple Products but the B&O H95’s do a good job of connecting, staying connected and switching between devices… The B&O is limited to 2 active devices where as the Airpods Max are not.. I don’t have any problem using either headsets with my iPhone, MacBook Air or Apple TV.. But the AirPods Max win here as long as you are on iOS..

If you are not in the Apple ecosystem then the Airpods Max are limited and you’d be better served with the B&O H95’s
  • Airpods Max in Apple ecosystem = 10
  • B&O H95 in Apple ecosystem = 9
  • Airpods Max non Apple ecosystem = 7
  • B&O H95 non Apple ecosystem = 9

Both are very, very comfortable… Even though the Airpods Max are heavier, I think they distribute their weight better.. The B&O H95’s, for some odd reason, feel heavier even though they are not. I can easily wear either of them for hours at a time with no discomfort or pain. You will definitely notice that both are on your head when compared to something like the lightweight and plasticly Bose QC35ii’s but that does not make either of them uncomfortable at all..

Both have very comfortable ear pads. The Airpods max feel like a plush synthetic fabric to my ears whereas the B&O H95’s feel like soft, plush leather. Both have great breathability but I’d give a slight edge to the Airpods Max, breathability wise. The B&O H95’s ear cups have a slightly larger inner diameter which may be a better fit if you have large or odd shaped ears.

Everyones head is different so what I find comfortable you may not. I’d suggest trying them on and see for yourself. For the Airpods Max this is as easy as a trip to an Apple store or a local Best Buy that has them on display. For the B&O H95’s it’s not that easy as they are not generally stocked anywhere. B&O does however offer an 30 day trial / return period so worse case is you order them and return them.
  • Airpods Max = 9
  • B&O H95 = 9
Sound Music:

I’ve used them both with Apple Music and Tidal. To my ears the Airpods Max sound better when listening to Apple Music and the B&O H95’s sound better on Tidal HiFi. In either case there is not a huge difference between them on either music service. Sound is crisp and clear and everything is balanced perfectly for my ears..If you like heavy bass then neither may satisfy you as they are not bass heavy sounding headsets like Beats are.

I prefer Apple Music over Tidal but both sound great on either service.. I won’t go to in-depth as everyones ears are different as are their listening preferences and musical taste. The take away is that both are outstanding for music listening.

To my ears the B&O H95’s do get a little louder than the Airpods Max.
  • Airpods Max = 9.5
  • B&O H95 = 9.5
Sound Movies:

Both are absolutely outstanding for Movie watching.. The B&O H95’s have almost zero latency when connecting via BT… If you use an Apple TV, you won’t notice any difference between them, However, if you are connecting them to a Smart TV via BT then the Airpods Max might give you some latency (lip-sync) issues. I have a Sony X900H TV and when connecting the Airpods Max to them, I get slight (hardly noticeable) latency issues. I have no issues whatsoever when connecting the B&O H95’s to the TV..
  • Airpods Max iOS/Apple TV = 9.5
  • B&O H95 iOS/Apple TV = 9.5

  • Airpods Max non iOS/Apple TV = 8.5 (noticed slight latency)
  • B&O H95 non iOS/Apple TV = 9.5 (noticed zero atency)
ANC / Transparency:

Both offer outstanding ANC. As far as ANC goes, I’d give a slight edge to the B&O H95’s.(after the most recent update) However, for transparency mode the Airpods Max easily win here.. In transparency mode it’s like you are not even wearing the Airpods Max. The H95’s also have a bit more ‘cabin pressure’ when in ANC mode. For some this might cause issues but for me, it’s not really noticeable or troublesome..

When in ANC mode they both block out almost everything but I feel like the B&O H95’s do a slightly better job of it. In transparency mode the Airpods Max let everything in and they do so in a very natural feeling way. The B&O H95’s are good in transparency mode but you can tell it’s not completely natural…

  • Airpods Max ANC = 9
  • B&O H95 ANC = 9.5

  • Airpods Max Transparency mode = 10
  • B&O H95 Transparency mode = 8.5


I have a PS5 for gaming. I play a variety of games like Warzone, Resident Evil, Madden ect. For gaming you’ll definitely want to use them wired. The PS5 controller has a 3.5mm input jack that can handle both audio and voice from a single cable.

Wired options are very limited for the Airpods Max as you have only one option which is the official Apple lightning to 3.5mm cable ($35). Even with this cable you are not able to transmit voice. The PS5 controller does have a mic built in but when I use it, everyone says I sound terrible..

As a work around to the terrible sounding PS5 controller mic I ordered the official Apple 3.5mm cable, a 3.5mm splitter and a mini mic (links below if interested). The splitter plugs into the PS5 controllers 3.5mm jack and the Apple 3.5mm cable runs from the Airpods Max and plugs into the audio port on the splitter. The mini mic plugs into the mic port on the splitter. It’s not ideal but it works and everyone says I sound better but nowhere even close to as good as I sound when I am using the B&O H95’s…

Mini Mic:

With the B&O H95’s no splitter or work arounds are needed.. Simply order their official inline mic cable (link below) and you are done. Plug one end into the headset and the other into the PS5 controller and done…Everyone says I sound crystal clear using this cable..

B&O H95 inline mic cable**:

** It’s not listed as compatible with the H95’s but it works perfectly for voice and audio.

The Airpods Max workaround to get a decent sounding and working mic is acceptable but not optimal. The B&O H95’s are basically plug and play with their inline mic cable ($35)..

When playing FPS games like Warzone where positional audio and footsteps are important both of these headsets do a stellar job. I have no complaints with either headset but the Airpods Max do a slightly better job, positional audio wise, when in transparency mode to my ears…

  • Airpods Max (if no mic is needed) = 9
  • B&O H95 (if no mic is needed) = 9

  • Airpods Max (if a mic is needed) = 6
  • B&O H95 (if a mic is needed) = 9

Battery Life:

With the Airpods Max I actually get a bit more than the 20 hours advertised. I’d say I get about 22 hours with them which is slightly better than it’s ANC headset competitors. With the B&O H95’s I get about 40 hours. The Airpods Max have acceptable battery life but the B&O H95’s take it to another level..
  • Airpods Max = 7
  • B&O H95 = 10

Yeah this is not going to end well for the Airpods Max. The Airpods Max case is ummmmm, complete garbage… It offers little to no real protection, it looks like a am carrying a bra as a purse, it’s flimsy and cheap feeling. Seriously Apple, what were you thinking with this thing?

The B&O H95 case is leaps and bounds better.. It’s aluminum, premium, offers great protection and it’s looks amazing… There is also a hidden storage compartment inside to store cables..
  • Airpods Max = 2 (it’s better than nothing I guess)
  • B&O H95 = 10
Other / Miscellaneous:

The Airpods Max come with a 1-year warranty from Apple. The B&O H95’s have a 3-year warranty from B&O. You can buy Apple Care+ for the Airpods Max but there is no such option for the B&O H95’s. I am sure you can purchase an external warranty for the B&O H95’s but then you are dealing with a 3rd party..

B&O has an iOS and Android app where you can customize settings (EQ ect) and get firmware updates. The Airpods max do not have an app and there is no way to check for and get firmware updates. With the Airpods Max you basically just have to wait for the update to be pushed. There is also no way to customize EQ settings on the Airpods Max.

The Airpods Max ear pads retail for $69 and the B&O H95’s ear pads retail for $100.. I am also pretty sure there will be far more aftermarket options for the Airpods Max ear pads.

The base warranty is better with B&O but the Airpods Max has Apple Care+ available and the ear pad replacements are also cheaper for the Airpods Max.

Conclusion / Which I am keeping:

My return period for the Airpods Max is long past but I am still able to return the B&O H95’s (for another week) so I considered this as well. The B&O H95’s are eye-wateringly expensive! With the official inline mic cable needed for gaming, you are at about $885 for the B&O H95’s. The Airpods Max with the official Apple 3.5mm cable, the splitter and mini mic previously mentioned comes in at about $625. That’s a $260’ish difference and is nothing to sneeze at..

Having said that, I am keeping the B&O H95’s and already have a buyer for my Airpods Max.. Why? Well, as I said at the start I want one high quality and well made headset that does everything.. While the Airpods Max can accomplish this, the workarounds needed for gaming, the case, and my concerns over durability were the main deciding factors..

Both are absolutely fantastic headsets.. If I factor out gaming (which I can’t/won’t) then I probably would have kept the Airpods Max. I’d still have durability and case concerns with them but I could buy Apple Care+ and a very nice aftermarket case with the cash saved over the B&O H95’s high cost.

I can’t / won’t factor out gaming so the mic solution and workarounds needed to get somewhat acceptable voice chat is a complete bummer. Maybe Apple (or aftermarket) will release an inline mic cable in the future that will work with the Airpods Max. If that happens then they’d be back in consideration for me..

My .02 off the price of either headset.. :p
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Figured I'd add some photos since I didn't post any in my above comparison. Here are a few shots of the Silver Airpods Max and the Grey Mist B&O H95. Figured I'd better snap a few before I hand over the Airpods Max to their new owner...






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