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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 4, 2005
Hey Guys!

My Canon 300D has broken. It couldn't have come at a worse time as my photography A-Level project is due in within the next 5 weeks.

I have absolutely no money - My summer job hasn't even started yet. I get allowance every month from going to school (The Government pay) and my Dad gives me the family allowance (Again, Government funded).

I really want the Canon 350D - and its in Currys for £379.99. Problem is, I can't get any credit because I live with my Dad and he's blacklisted after my parents divorce (Mother proper screwed him over, to put it lightly).

I've asked my Mum to get it on an Interest-free credit plan from Currys in her name, and put the paying bank account as my own, so it won't cost her a penny. She refused. She has quite a low level of interest when it comes to anything involving me.

So, my Nana has come to my rescue! She said I can order one, interest free from her catalogue!

However, the only 2 camera's they offer, below £550 are:

1. The Nikon D40. A true Digital SLR with all the features of my 300D and more. Its £569 - which is just over £169 more than the shop price, but its on credit so I can't really complain.
2. Fuji S9600. Its a sort of trying-to-be-an-SLR digital camera. It has manual focus, and most of the features a true Digital SLR has - and a 9MP res., which is a step up from the 6 I'm used too. £439 (£300 in shops)

So, for my Fashion Photography/Fashion Portraits, which is the best to suit me? I love having the ability to capture 2/3 images a second, as a lot of my models are moving, and I love that high-fashion effect I get by using an SLR camera.

My School doesn't have one, and none of my friends do Photography.

I understand the prices above are way above what a cash price camera is, but its the only option I've got. I can't get credit because I'm financially linked with my Dad, who eventhough he did nothing wrong, has had his name ruined by a CCJ for the next 2 years by my Mum. If someone can think of a way of me getting credit on the 350D from Currys, let me know :)


macrumors member
Jul 10, 2006
You say the D50 does 'more'; if you're in such a market, you could always consider the EOS 350D, too. I have one of these and recommend it :)

Amazon have a modest price for the camera. I'm assuming you've already some CF cards etc so that brings the price right down. A smidge 10MPs, auto-lens cleaning, etc.

Worth a look :)

(Of course, you could always rent a camera for your project and consider getting a 350D, 400D or D50 afterwards when money's better)


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 4, 2005
You say the D50 does 'more'; if you're in such a market, you could always consider the EOS 350D, too. I have one of these and recommend it :)

Like I said...
I have absolutely no money - My summer job hasn't even started yet. I get allowance every month from going to school (The Government pay) and my Dad gives me the family allowance (Again, Government funded).

I really want the Canon 350D - and its in Currys for £379.99. Problem is, I can't get any credit because I live with my Dad and he's blacklisted after my parents divorce (Mother proper screwed him over, to put it lightly).


macrumors 6502a
Oct 1, 2006
Brighton, UK
Well, if you have absolutely no money, then the only way you're going to be able to get a camera is through a nice friend lending you one.

Otherwise, the next cheapest option will be to rent a camera.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 4, 2005
Well, if you have absolutely no money, then the only way you're going to be able to get a camera is through a nice friend lending you one.

Otherwise, the next cheapest option will be to rent a camera.

Once again..

JDT said:
My School doesn't have one, and none of my friends do Photography. [\QUOTE]

I have an option to order 1 of 2 cameras. I'm asking above which one.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Are any of you reading the original post before replying? I think I could have rebutted your suggestions, and other than the information he posted, I know nothing about the guy's life. :confused:

What is her "catalogue"? Maybe it's a type of business I haven't run across. Sounds like you're getting ripped off, although you seem to lack other options. Does she have a catalogue from another company that you can buy from?

Another option is to buy from a store that offers their own credit. You can buy now, but you don't need to pay until later, since this company is also lending you the money to make the purchase. You may be forced to buy a 400D rather than a 350D, but it's better than being ripped off by this catalogue.

The D40 is nice, though. I think you would enjoy it. :)


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 4, 2005
Thanks for the first decent reply, Abstract. I don't mean to be rude to the previous posters, but all the information was laid out in my original post.

Basically, my parents went through a messy divorce. My Dad, during the marriage, signed everything - so he was responsible for it all. There were complication with the house mortgage where my Mother said she would continue payment on the house, and never - which landed my Dad a CCJ (Country Court Judgement). This took sometime to go through, but basically he's blacklisted for 7 years, once the debt has been paid off (He has about another year). Because I am registered as living with him, I cannot obtain credit as my address is black listed.

This means I cannot get the camera on credit from a store, which I tried doing with the 350D in Currys (Basically its the UKs largest electrical retailer.

So really my only 2 options are the way-over priced camera's from Kays Catalogue. The catalogue is basically a home shopping company, that lets you buy clothes and more or less any item you want, and spread the payment - no credit checks, no loan rate. But the products you buy are already hiked up, some by over 50% compared to store-bought purchases.

Unless someone can think of a way I can become de-blacklisted so I may obtain credit (as really, I've done nothing wrong) - let me know. Then I can get the store-bought one on credit.


macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2006
Manchester, UK
I'd go for the first of the two options you gave. Forget about the price for a second.....pic the one you really want. You basically say the more expensive one is the best one. You pay for what you get (in general) therefore although tight on budget in the long run you will be happier with that one.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 4, 2005
I'd go for the first of the two options you gave. Forget about the price for a second.....pic the one you really want. You basically say the more expensive one is the best one. You pay for what you get (in general) therefore although tight on budget in the long run you will be happier with that one.

You said that just about right :)

I know I have to get it, its just trying to justify being ripped off in a way.

Thanks, eenu.


macrumors 601
May 29, 2005
Let me tell you the one you'll want without asking about other options which you have clearly stated that you can't do that. :rolleyes:

Nikon D40 all the way.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 4, 2005
Let me tell you the one you'll want without asking about other options which you have clearly stated that you can't do that. :rolleyes:

Nikon D40 all the way.

Right. I'm getting it!

It has to be done - and its something that I can keep and expand on. Its expensive but I'll have to swallow it (not literally) and make a damned good project with it.


macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2006
Manchester, UK
You said that just about right :)

I know I have to get it, its just trying to justify being ripped off in a way.

Thanks, eenu.

No problems :D

Like you say you can expand on it and in the long run you defo will be happier with it


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Thanks for the first decent reply, Abstract. I don't mean to be rude to the previous posters, but all the information was laid out in my original post.

No problem. :) It's actually becoming a bit of a peeve of mine at these forums, although I'm sure I have made such a mistake in the past. However, it's never intentional, and when the post is as short as yours, I read it.

Suck it up and get the Nikon D40. Also, cut ties with your mum. She obviously doesn't care about you. :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502
Sep 2, 2006
No problem. :) It's actually becoming a bit of a peeve of mine at these forums, although I'm sure I have made such a mistake in the past. However, it's never intentional, and when the post is as short as yours, I read it.

Suck it up and get the Nikon D40. Also, cut ties with your mum. She obviously doesn't care about you. :rolleyes:

I second that :p
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