I am trying to tidy up my dock a bit by pulling icons off the dock and having them stay off for good. However 6 icons on my dock refuse to move and just go back to my dock after I pull them off. Any help? (It is the leftmost six icons)
I am trying to tidy up my dock a bit by pulling icons off the dock and having them stay off for good. However 6 icons on my dock refuse to move and just go back to my dock after I pull them off. Any help? (It is the leftmost six icons)
First one is finder, and it'll always be there no matter what as it's always running. The others you could try right-clicking and "Remove From Dock".
Same, except i have 4 icons, 2 of them are the same and you can see a pic of the icon, but the others are just ? marks how do i remove them?Tried all that
I've done all those things, I've even reset my .plist for my dock and nothing seems to work. The applications that won't get off my dock that I don't want are address book, ical, preview, time machine, and photo booth. When I right click the icon the remove from dock selection is not even there and in the previous picture I was demonstrating how the trash wad of paper was not appearing next to the address book when I dragged it off my dock. On every application that I do want on my dock the remove from dock selection is still there.