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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 7, 2010
Somehow when syncing my ipad with my imac or when syncing via mobileme I dumped my contacts/address book. Time machine does not have a copy. Is there any way i can recover my contacts?
Check your previous backup on iTunes.. Go to iTunes preferences then locate devices and you should see your old backup.
Thank you - I appreciate your help. iTunes was not showing me any older backups (just my most recent that didn't have my contacts) but I did go back in time machine to find old ipad back ups and I did recover all my info. That was scary!
other than regular backups, there's a great app called MCBackup that also separately backs your contacts up readily to share with whatever device you like.
wow. didnt spot the dates there. why would that be at the top of my forums posts then? strange.

Probably a spambot raised the thread, the mods deleted the spam but the thread remained at the top of the recent threads list.
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