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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 28, 2019
Des Moines, Iowa
I am running 12.0.1 update on the intel I have. It loaded and so far not that impressed perhaps as I get to find new goodies. Anyway, Bitdefender antivirus for mac. it won't allow Time machine to work. I had to go in and not have it scan in order to let the Time Machine backup. I also sent them a note, a picture of the error message. I a am guessing as time goes on, there will be some fixes as we go on.
I just am not seeing much right now, unless more updates with more crowd pleasers come about.


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From my experience (but everyone is different) you don’t need antivirus software. For me it causes more problems then anything else. Plus it slows the system down. Mac OS has its own anti virus software. These antivirus software companies I think love to install fear in getting people to purchase their products.

I would try and use your Mac without antivirus software and see what happens. You may find it just ‘works’
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From my experience (but everyone is different) you don’t need antivirus software. For me it causes more problems then anything else. Plus it slows the system down. Mac OS has its own anti virus software. These antivirus software companies I think love to install fear in getting people to purchase their products.

I would try and use your Mac without antivirus software and see what happens. You may find it just ‘works’
I use Bitdefender because it gives me some happy time, I have the RAM and like my pants, I can go outside in my boxers and feel perfectly safe, but a pair of pants is better, the neighbors don't call my wife and report that I escaped again.

I did do some research on chama98's statement :
I guess do what is best. the updates to the protection are often as coding becomes more exciting for the folks that are bent on nasties. Just get something with a very low resource demand. Of course if you have a new toy with the M1 chip you are fine, us intel boys, I think I need the extra protection. And it doesn't slow my machine down, could slow othrs, but 32G of ram helps a lot
? Not quite sure I understand what you mean. If you are careful what you download then you shouldn’t really need it.
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I let it run over night and it seems to be working. Of course the lure of a new machine beckons, even though this one works fine. Maybe after we find out if the wife is going to retire at the end of the school year will have a big bearing on going M1. and yeah, I have an apple card and could pay it off in chunks, but I am still working on the newphone. the careful part is going to places you could pick up something you didn't really want, downloading stuff that is questionable or could have attachments you don't know about.

It is personal choice, I guess.
I do like my a/v, and I use BitDefender as well. Hence, the first time Time Machine tried to run after upgrading my daughter's and wife's MacBooks to Monterey, it failed.

I didn't know any better and reformatted the Time Capsule, and reset all TM settings, and it still didn't work. I then uninstalled BitDefender and the Time Machine backups went through...

Interestingly enough it works fine on my Mac Pro which has been with it every step of the Monterey Beta program.

Can I reinstall BitDefender and it works, or do I have to leave off BitDefender for the time being? And why is it working on my Mac Pro?
right now after I reset the preferences and all that , Time Machine is backing up new, I guess re -indexing or something, only 21 more hours and we are good to go. BitDefender is scanning non stop as well, but I haven't yet flipped the selection to protect the backup. I am noticing other items not behaving and letting the developers know . sheesh
I do like my a/v, and I use BitDefender as well. Hence, the first time Time Machine tried to run after upgrading my daughter's and wife's MacBooks to Monterey, it failed.

I didn't know any better and reformatted the Time Capsule, and reset all TM settings, and it still didn't work. I then uninstalled BitDefender and the Time Machine backups went through...

Interestingly enough it works fine on my Mac Pro which has been with it every step of the Monterey Beta program.

Can I reinstall BitDefender and it works, or do I have to leave off BitDefender for the time being? And why is it working on my Mac Pro?
On the other thread someone with Monterey, and BitDefender has the same problem. Then they contacted customer support and BitDefender seems to have fixed it. They downloaded the new installer again and it works fine I think (even tho the version number is the same). Have you tried reinstalling the BitDefender? Using the latest version from their website?
I use Bitdefender because it gives me some happy time, I have the RAM and like my pants, I can go outside in my boxers and feel perfectly safe, but a pair of pants is better, the neighbors don't call my wife and report that I escaped again.

I did do some research on chama98's statement :
I guess do what is best. the updates to the protection are often as coding becomes more exciting for the folks that are bent on nasties. Just get something with a very low resource demand. Of course if you have a new toy with the M1 chip you are fine, us intel boys, I think I need the extra protection. And it doesn't slow my machine down, could slow othrs, but 32G of ram helps a lot
Gone through (2) Intel based iMacs even though it supposedly gives you peace of mind, anti virus software never identified anything that effected a Mac like PCs. All the Mac malware examples identified for last decade are only Trojans where you download something that in turn try’s to install but is blocked by gatekeeper. Because you are not running windows, you can’t be infected unless you are not maintaining latest MacOS versions. So your thought because you current iMac is Intel based isn’t justification for really needing bitdefender. FYI this company Safari extension was recently involved in numerous people having that application unexpectedly quit with Monterey betas. I’m glad they fixed a issue you had, still it’s always a potential problem child to deal with anytime you update your OS, and certainly would discontinue usage if you migrate to M1 based macs.
Gone through (2) Intel based iMacs even though it supposedly gives you peace of mind, anti virus software never identified anything that effected a Mac like PCs. All the Mac malware examples identified for last decade are only Trojans where you download something that in turn try’s to install but is blocked by gatekeeper. Because you are not running windows, you can’t be infected unless you are not maintaining latest MacOS versions. So your thought because you current iMac is Intel based isn’t justification for really needing bitdefender. FYI this company Safari extension was recently involved in numerous people having that application unexpectedly quit with Monterey betas. I’m glad they fixed a issue you had, still it’s always a potential problem child to deal with anytime you update your OS, and certainly would discontinue usage if you migrate to M1 based macs.
I appreciate your view on macs don't have viruses. Reminds me of being similar to a song by Steve Martin and the Steep Mountain Rangers. however, It is because of the intel or M1 with Enclave, but I do a lot of financial stuff and I would rather have that . I get emails with attachments from students who have windows based, or school based hardware and many times I have zinged an attachment that had stuff. But thank you very much. Should in April I get a new machine I won't put in any bitdefender or anything. Right now , not much memory or storage on those models, predict a new chip and upping the beauty
Finally Time Machine has caught up. So the system works faster now. I got rid of Backblaze for now ,, installed i drive and it has been backing up since midnight. When it gets through all those pictures and the I can do the as needed backup. I am of the opinion not all developers did much thinking on this. Some use some of the apple code and didn't bother upgrading or testing their products well enough. So now we wait and wade through all those updates
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