I’ve created a custom analog clock screen saver based on Robert Padbury’s clock kit. My version works for my needs and I’m currently working on a version for retina screens. This screen saver works in OS X 10.11.6 (El Capitan), but I'm not sure how well it will work in other versions of OS X. It's a small file and easy to setup, so there's no harm in trying it out.
The clock face and hands use png files and can be edited to create your own custom clock - I’ve included a GIMP template file in the zip archive for those who are familiar with GIMP. I’ve also included a ‘Read Me’ file that outlines how to use the screen saver.
Download (130 KB zip file) in attachment
The clock face and hands use png files and can be edited to create your own custom clock - I’ve included a GIMP template file in the zip archive for those who are familiar with GIMP. I’ve also included a ‘Read Me’ file that outlines how to use the screen saver.

Download (130 KB zip file) in attachment