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macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 19, 2010
My iPhone 6 arrived around an hour ago and I have to say it's way better than I imagined. The photos don't do it justice at all.

It's incredibly sleek and beautifully made. I have had pretty much all iPhones since the first but this one in my opinion is most certainly their best.

The screen is amazing and the icons look so close to the glass it's frightening. If you're one of those people on the fence about upgrading (I upgraded from a 5S) it's a no brainer and I'd be very surprised if you didn't feel the same when you see it in the flesh.

Quite stunning.


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2013
why should i believe you? the other guy on here said it looks and feels cheap....:p

cant wait to get mine!


macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 19, 2010
why should i believe you? the other guy on here said it looks and feels cheap....:p

cant wait to get mine!

Looks and feels cheap, that's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time :D


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2013
Seriously go check out that guys thread. I honestly think Samsung pays people to go on Apple forums and talk smack. i mean they do it on commercials so its not out of the possibilities.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 19, 2010
Seriously go check out that guys thread. I honestly think Samsung pays people to go on Apple forums and talk smack. i mean they do it on commercials so its not out of the possibilities.

Wouldn't surprise me, these people have nothing better to do anyway, best to ignore them.

If I don't like something I'm not afraid to admit, unlike some people who have to justify their purchases and say how great something is just because they've spent money on it.

Its an absolutely beautiful phone, the only thing I don't like is my finger prints all over the screen!


macrumors 6502
Dec 2, 2010
Seriously go check out that guys thread. I honestly think Samsung pays people to go on Apple forums and talk smack. i mean they do it on commercials so its not out of the possibilities.

Or maybe Apple fans are just so far up Apple's hole that they will love anything apple makes. OP said that he owned every version of the iPhone meaning that he never used anything other than apple. Pretty sure he also had an iMac, MacBook and an iPad.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 22, 2014
Or maybe Apple fans are just so far up Apple's hole that they will love anything apple makes. OP said that he owned every version of the iPhone meaning that he never used anything other than apple. Pretty sure he also had an iMac, MacBook and an iPad.

Maybe so, but Apple must have done something right to earn that respect and loyalty.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Western US
Seriously go check out that guys thread. I honestly think Samsung pays people to go on Apple forums and talk smack. i mean they do it on commercials so its not out of the possibilities.

I would say it's not at all impossible, it's even likely. That would be right down their alley, SOP. At this point, I frankly wouldn't put anything past Samsung, they are absolutely shameless.


macrumors regular
Apr 29, 2011
Phila, PA
Seriously go check out that guys thread. I honestly think Samsung pays people to go on Apple forums and talk smack. i mean they do it on commercials so its not out of the possibilities.

as a grown adult man, I used to think that when people said that they were nuts, but after the past couple weeks, wtf I mean think it may be true, either that or to be android user, the first prerequisite is too have literally no social life and more likely never kissed a girl before...all seriousness do apple users go on droid forums all day long? I have never been on one since I dont use that product...last night I grabbed mcdonalds real quick, and guess what, I didnt come home and go on a burger king forum and say say mcdonalds uses better grease for their fries...strange F'in people man


Apr 29, 2012
My iPhone 6 arrived around an hour ago and I have to say it's way better than I imagined. The photos don't do it justice at all.

It's incredibly sleek and beautifully made. I have had pretty much all iPhones since the first but this one in my opinion is most certainly their best.

The screen is amazing and the icons look so close to the glass it's frightening. If you're one of those people on the fence about upgrading (I upgraded from a 5S) it's a no brainer and I'd be very surprised if you didn't feel the same when you see it in the flesh. Quite stunning.

I upgraded from a 5s as well and have no regrets whatsoever. It's such a fantastic phone.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 19, 2010
last night I grabbed mcdonalds real quick, and guess what, I didnt come home and go on a burger king forum and say say mcdonalds uses better grease for their fries...strange F'in people man

That's brilliant. The best analogy I have heard by far :D


macrumors member
Sep 14, 2012
Or maybe Apple fans are just so far up Apple's hole that they will love anything apple makes. OP said that he owned every version of the iPhone meaning that he never used anything other than apple. Pretty sure he also had an iMac, MacBook and an iPad.

Doesn't really mean that he hasn't owned anything other than Apple. I've had a 3G, 4, 5, and now the 6. But I also have used a few HTC and Samsung phones. Currently use a Galaxy S4 for work, but my personal phone will probably continue to be an iPhone unless something drastically changes at Apple.


macrumors 68000
Mar 1, 2006
I've owned every single iPhone that Apple has ever made, in addition to the Nexus 1, Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7 and Amazon Kindle Fire.

The apple hardware was always miles beyond the Android hardware. Software wise.. well, I'm not even sure they were playing the same game.

Or maybe Apple fans are just so far up Apple's hole that they will love anything apple makes. OP said that he owned every version of the iPhone meaning that he never used anything other than apple. Pretty sure he also had an iMac, MacBook and an iPad.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
Seriously go check out that guys thread. I honestly think Samsung pays people to go on Apple forums and talk smack. i mean they do it on commercials so its not out of the possibilities.

Utter BS. Stop sucking on the Apple horn will ya?
I'm a longtime iPhone owner and I'm not surprised in the least that someone said the i6 feels cheap. The 5 and 5S took a nosedive from the build quality of the 4 and 4S in my opinion, and a further drop in quality isn't shocking at all. It seems to be the way Apple are heading. Cutting corners and maximising profit, the spec of the i6 kinda suggests this long before you pick the device up.


macrumors 6502
Jan 13, 2014
as a grown adult man, I used to think that when people said that they were nuts, but after the past couple weeks, wtf I mean think it may be true, either that or to be android user, the first prerequisite is too have literally no social life and more likely never kissed a girl before...all seriousness do apple users go on droid forums all day long? I have never been on one since I dont use that product...last night I grabbed mcdonalds real quick, and guess what, I didnt come home and go on a burger king forum and say say mcdonalds uses better grease for their fries...strange F'in people man

The other day someone did mention androidcentral... So just out of curiousity I went there to check the forum... Well enough there was an iPhone 6 thread with many members comparing the spec sheets and having a gala time... And I just saw a couple of members commenting why they prefer the iPhone and thats that.. Unlike this forum where droid army is out at every thread to nitpick and annoy...


macrumors 6502
Dec 20, 2011
Pictures don't do it justice!

Agree 110% !!!



macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
The other day someone did mention androidcentral... So just out of curiousity I went there to check the forum... Well enough there was an iPhone 6 thread with many members comparing the spec sheets and having a gala time... And I just saw a couple of members commenting why they prefer the iPhone and thats that.. Unlike this forum where droid army is out at every thread to nitpick and annoy...

Grow up. I haven't seen a 'droid army' on here ever, just a handful of adults who give an honest representation of their opinions amongst hordes of Apple-obsessed teenagers who rate every single thing the company does as 'perfection'. Anyone who dares suggest otherwise is heckled and shot down in flames by a vast swathe of immature comments. The only 'army' here is the Apple Fanboy 1st Battalion...


macrumors 6502a
Dec 18, 2012
why should i believe you? the other guy on here said it looks and feels cheap....:p

cant wait to get mine!

I remember idiots saying the same thing about the ipad Air.


Grow up. I haven't seen a 'droid army' on here ever, just a handful of adults who give an honest representation of their opinions amongst hordes of Apple-obsessed teenagers who rate every single thing the company does as 'perfection'. Anyone who dares suggest otherwise is heckled and shot down in flames by a vast swathe of immature comments. The only 'army' here is the Apple Fanboy 1st Battalion...

There were plenty of them here the day it was announced. Not too many after that.


macrumors regular
Apr 29, 2011
Phila, PA
I remember idiots saying the same thing about the ipad Air.


There were plenty of them here the day it was announced. Not too many after that.

wait, there are apple users and people who enjoy apple products on a.....APPLE FORUM? weird...


Grow up. I haven't seen a 'droid army' on here ever, just a handful of adults who give an honest representation of their opinions amongst hordes of Apple-obsessed teenagers who rate every single thing the company does as 'perfection'. Anyone who dares suggest otherwise is heckled and shot down in flames by a vast swathe of immature comments. The only 'army' here is the Apple Fanboy 1st Battalion...

"grow up" coming from a dude who hates all things apple and spends all day on apple forum hahahahah


macrumors 6502
Jan 13, 2014
Grow up. I haven't seen a 'droid army' on here ever, just a handful of adults who give an honest representation of their opinions amongst hordes of Apple-obsessed teenagers who rate every single thing the company does as 'perfection'. Anyone who dares suggest otherwise is heckled and shot down in flames by a vast swathe of immature comments. The only 'army' here is the Apple Fanboy 1st Battalion...

Whatever floats your boat mate... I don't have time like you kids to list all the posts... Have a good day bashing...
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