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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 21, 2016
For some reason, my jailbroken iPhone isn't charging anymore. I am using BatteryLife and it says my input amperage is -4 discharging when plugged in.

For some odd reason my iPhone just isn't taking charge anymore.

I took out the battery and replaced it with a new one, (which turned out to be a waste) and the problem persists.

I didn't break off any chips, because it has been working fine for months since I last opened it.

Is this a possible iOS bug I've somehow picked up? I haven't recently installed any tweaks either.

I am aware / have done this:

New cable
New charger
Plugged to laptop (does pick up in iTunes)
Cleaned charging port (there is no lint)
Used original charging cable
Rebooted iPhone
Hard Rebooted iPhone

What is weird is, sometimes it does charge, but sometimes, it just doesn't..
Okay an update. I took out the battery, placed a third one inside. It doesn't charge.

I put the battery into a different iPhone, and it's charging.

SO, the battery isn't the problem.

What could the problem be in my phone? The lightning connector on the phone itself? Or have I bugged the firmware?
remove the jailbreak. and give $79 to apple and keep your mouth shut and get a new refurbished iPhone, when their work fails. i don't think you would have to pay for a replacement ??

thats what i would suggest.

the only other thing i can think of is your using a older windows computer that is straight usb that can't put out the 5 v @ 1000 ma or 2150 ma that an iPhone needs to charge with its radios and screen on, but you already ruled that out

the other thing i noticed is that in order to charge the 6s and 6s+ from your mac you actually need to install el Capitan !
Thanks Rigor, to update I'm on a iPhone 5S and it's roughly two years old.

Also, I don't think I can give it to apple, I kind of built the phone myself.. and I think I've fixed the problem. I don't exactly know what I've done but I've got it to charge again. We'll see what happens I guess.

All I did was unplug and replug all the ribbons that involved the charging current.. it seems to have worked.

Again, we'll have to see.. the future shall unfold my fate. :c
I opened it back up, disconnected the charging dock, and reconnected a different one. It charged.

I reconnected the old one, it is now charging again. What in the world is going on..

For those unaware, this is what a charging dock is.

Seems like it's a hardware related problem. I guess what you're experiencing is similar to bad wires (where you have to move the wire randomly until it works, and then keep it in that position so it stays working)
I guess something must be moving when I put the case back together then.. that's a little hard to check what the problem is.
[doublepost=1461485033][/doublepost]Oh my flucking gawd.. I just tapped the bottom against some wood firmly and now it's charging. I guess there's something inside causing some odd short circuit then. That's really annoying.

At least I've managed to found some.. 'fix'?
Yep.. did it again, wouldn't charge unless I bump it against my wrist or something firmly.. not to hard, like a nudge, any idea to know what it is?
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