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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jul 13, 2010
My phone will about 60% of the time if my phone is turned off because I turned it off or it died whenever it turns back on it will turn down the brightness down all the way. One time it did this and I thought my display died but I was outside so I didn’t realize it did this until I got inside a bus. Is this a defect ? It’s been happening ever since I got the phone when it was on iOS 11 so it’s not the software.


macrumors 604
Aug 19, 2017
Do you have auto-brightness on? If you do you might try and turning it off and see if it stops dimming the screen. You could take it to Apple and see if they can diagnose the issue. I guess it’s possible the ambient light sensor could be defective but that pure speculation on my part


macrumors 601
Original poster
Jul 13, 2010
Do you have auto-brightness on? If you do you might try and turning it off and see if it stops dimming the screen. You could take it to Apple and see if they can diagnose the issue. I guess it’s possible the ambient light sensor could be defective but that pure speculation on my part

No by god I hate auto brightness. I never use it. The first thing I ever do with every phone is to turn it off
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macrumors member
May 24, 2011
I had this issue with my 7 Plus. Could never figure out if it was the device/OS/profile...

I didn't want to restore as new to see if it was just my profile on it so I just let it be. I just got used to asking Siri to set brightness when it restarted. Also, it was a good indicator if the device ever rebooted.

When I upgraded to the X Max I set auto-brightness on and I haven't seen it since. I gave the 7 Plus to my wife and she hasn't seen the behavior so I'm thinking it was iOS 11 or my profile.
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