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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 31, 2008
I pretty much love Lion but a major flaw I'm experiencing is that every time I close the Lid or Turn it back on it asks me to select a Wifi network although it already knows the password.

Is this a security feature? how can I fix this?
I had the same problem up until yesterday on a new MacBook Pro running Lion. I tried the many possible solutions (removing keychain entries, moving the wireless network to the top of the preferred network list, etc...) that have been suggested on the web, but none of them seemed to work.

For whatever reason, the remedy for mine, was to remove the CD from the MacBook drive. After testing and retesting, I have had zero problems with losing my internet connection when manually putting the MacBook to sleep (closing the lid). Others reported similar problems/remedies with external HDDs.

Hope this helps...

I have that update and mine still won't auto connect... very annoying... please let us know if anyone has any more details
Thanks :)
Ugh... just noticed the wife's new MacbookAir has wifi issues as well even without Time Machine backing up. Why did Lion take such a huge leap backwards with this?
Possible fix

It may be a problem with the connection information stored in your network profile.

  1. Go to System Preferences > Network.
  2. Click the Wi-Fi connection.
  3. Click the Advanced... button on the bottom right.
  4. Click the Wi-Fi tab.
  5. Under Preferred Networks, select your wireless network.
  6. Click the - (delete) button.
  7. Turn off your Wi-Fi connection.
  8. Turn it back on.
  9. Select and login to your wireless network. This will re-save your connection under Preferred Networks.
  10. Close your laptop and reopen it to test whether it worked.
Mobius1ski's suggestion worked for me 2!

Thanks! I've been looking for this answer for awhile and your suggestion worked great.
Eureka!! problem fixed

Followed Mobius1ski's suggestion and had SUCCESS!!

Mobius1ski may the road rise up to greet you, and the wind always be at your back! You have made my are a MACMASTER. Thanks.:
Oddly I have had this problem too but it did not happen when I came home after I done the update at work. Will put it to sleep now and wake it to see if its sorted.

edit, seems to be fixed
Mobius's suggestion nearly worked for me, but I had to do one more step..I had to power down my laptop...but now it works. Thanks for the help.
I was just going to start a thread and saw this one. I have has this issue for months and after numbers phone calls to Apple Care and 5 Genius appointments they still can't get it working.

After 4 erase installs of Lion and 2 comprehensive tests on my Macbook by Apple 'Genius' it still does not work. They even replaced the Airport card (I feel in a bid to get rid of me) but problem is still there. They advised me today that the next and only thing they can do is replace my display at a cost of £300, which I would NOT get refunded if it doesn't fix the issue, they are adamant Lion is not at fault. Very poor service on their part and I am now going to take it further.

I would have been happy (well almost) if they have had refunded my £24.99 and put me back on Snow Leopard but refund is not an option either apparently.
Mobius1ski solution WORKED for me!!! YAY!!


Mobius1ski, Thank you for helping me with this difficult TO ME problem but EASY FOR U solution!! Thanks again Mobius1ski! :D


For a Solution that REALLY Works....

Check out Mobius1ski's solution!!
Mobius' solution worked for me too! Now on Mavericks. (Though my network name has not yet reappeared under preferred networks in network settings - it doesn't seem to make any difference). Thanks Mobius!
mobius1ski,s solution worked for me too but i had to shut down my mac book as an xtra step.
anyways thank u
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