Hola! I tracked down a local quicksilver and traded a useless (to me) Dell laptop from 2005 (ugh, PATA). Its a 1st gen QS with a 733 MHz CPU and a Rage(quit)128. I've already swapped out the CPU for an 800Mhz one from my parts bin and a Geforce 4MX (also from the bin). I need to swap the case panels too since its a tad nicked. I'm really excited for this machine as its my first working g4 tower (my cube doesn't count).
It didn't come with RAM or a hard drive, so I put in 512MB (total) and a 130GB Seagate Barracuda (7200 RPM), so hopefully it will be fast for the time being. Eventually, I'd like to have a dual 1GHz (or maybe single 900 Mhz) and 1.5GB of RAM to run Leopard smoothly.
It didn't come with RAM or a hard drive, so I put in 512MB (total) and a 130GB Seagate Barracuda (7200 RPM), so hopefully it will be fast for the time being. Eventually, I'd like to have a dual 1GHz (or maybe single 900 Mhz) and 1.5GB of RAM to run Leopard smoothly.