So I was picking up my 2 year old son who was kicking and screaming and my watch came flying off and landed face down on ceramic kitchen tile. All 4 adults and 2 toddlers paused in silence as I went to go pick it up to assess the damage.....not a single blemish. I've heard sapphire can crack on a hard drop, but if it didn't shatter on this drop, I am fairly confident it can survive most. If you are on the fence between getting a Sport or SS, definitely factor in potential screen damage. If you elect to go with the Sport, I would purchase AppleCare. I don't feel AC is worth it for the SS.
Another observation was I was very disappointed with how easily my leather loop band came flying off my wrist. Anyone who wants to steal this type of band, shouldn't have much of an issue....
Another observation was I was very disappointed with how easily my leather loop band came flying off my wrist. Anyone who wants to steal this type of band, shouldn't have much of an issue....