I'm looking for a little guidance and hoping someone might be able to help.
Backstory-My trusty old macbook (aluminum 2008) crashed the other day. It appears to be the logic board. I had a lot of work pictures on it (over 2k). I made sure to regularly sync my iPhone with the iPhoto library on my macbook. So now I at least have a backup of all those pics.
Now for the question-Is there a way for me to transfer ALL of the photo libraries off of my iPhone and onto my iMac? When I connect it-I am only allowed access to my camera roll.
Thank you!
Backstory-My trusty old macbook (aluminum 2008) crashed the other day. It appears to be the logic board. I had a lot of work pictures on it (over 2k). I made sure to regularly sync my iPhone with the iPhoto library on my macbook. So now I at least have a backup of all those pics.
Now for the question-Is there a way for me to transfer ALL of the photo libraries off of my iPhone and onto my iMac? When I connect it-I am only allowed access to my camera roll.
Thank you!