Ok, so before I start off, I'm fairly sure most of these games are retro and probably all released before 1998, not completely sure though.
I know of these games from a single shareware CD that I used to play all the time, it had many demos of games, and if I remember correctly it was called Mac Attic.
The only game that I know it had on it for sure was Warcraft II, if that helps, the rest I can only give fairly vague descriptions on, and hope that someone is familiar with them.
Thank you in advance.
I know of these games from a single shareware CD that I used to play all the time, it had many demos of games, and if I remember correctly it was called Mac Attic.
The only game that I know it had on it for sure was Warcraft II, if that helps, the rest I can only give fairly vague descriptions on, and hope that someone is familiar with them.
[*]The first one was a sort of strategy game where you commanded an army of troops, I can remember that the desk icon was a grenade, but other than that not so much. I think you only commanded one single person, but I could be wrong. It was an overhead view of a large map.
UPDATE: This one is Close Combat 1, or 2. Not completely sure, but I do know that it is one of these two.
- The second was a sort of arcade shooter, it is reminescent of the game centipede, except that the graphics were a sort of 3D, and it was set in space with you as a spaceship, shooting all sorts of enemy ships. Your ship was purple with yellow wings I believe.
- I can also remember that there was a sort of Mechwarrior trailer on the CD, but it seemed more realistic than just a game.
- Finally, the last game was a strategy based space game where you commanded a bunch of ships and went around trying to destroy other ships and complete your mission. I'm very nondescript on this one, but I believe the demo was actually just a gameplay trailer so I can't remember that much. I think there might of been a grid/space background.
Thank you in advance.