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macrumors G5
Original poster
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I have a SCSI film scanner I want to connect to an iMac. The iMac has only FW800 and USB2. Has anyone experience with some kind of adaptor? Yes I know I can Google but I'm asking if anyone has experience with this and how well it works.

Film scanners are not cheap and they are getting harder for buy so I don't want to replace this Nikon scanner.
There once were SCSI-to-firewire adapters for sale, which "kind of" worked, but no one sells them (new) anymore.

Finding a used one could be problematic -- and very expensive. And once you have it, there's no promise it will actually work.

Some options:
- Buy or rent a film scanner that has firewire or usb. If not a new one, find a used one on ebay or elsewhere.
- Have the film scanned for you by a service that does such things.
- Buy and set up an OLDER MAC that still has SCSI capabilities. It will probably involve a little work to get it up-and-running, but might be the cheapest way.

A little while back, there was an extensive discussion over at about scanning old slides and film. You might investigate there.
I've used a USB to SCSI adapter in the past but I don't think they're made any more. eBay is probably your best option
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