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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 3, 2017
South Carolina
I need to get some kind of Windows laptop for a new job. I am all Apple hardware and have been for the last twelve years. I have a cMBP that I purchased for my son two years ago. He and a friend then built a PC for his flight software and so he never uses his MacBook Pro anymore.
Would it be (better) (easier) (cheaper) for me to upgrade the HD and Ram on that Mac and install Windows on it or buy a pc laptop?
I have no idea what kind of pc laptop to get if I go that route and I'm not sure I want one, but I also have no clue how Windows performs on a Mac either. The PC has to be portable, but only to move around occasionally, so it doesn't have to be super light and it doesn't need to have a lot of power. I'd like to get something for under 500 bucks if I go that way.
Which way should I go and if I do upgrade the Mac would a 250ssd and 8gb or ram be sufficient or should I also upgrade the DVD drive and dedicate it to the Windows software (I read somewhere that this can be done)? Thanks
This is going to depend on what sort of Windows software you'll be using for your job, and impossible to give advice that would apply in every situation. Generally speaking -- and I repeat, generally speaking -- it's better to buy a new machine than to upgrade a six-year-old one for reliability, service, and a whole host of other reasons, especially if your intention is to run Windows only on it. You should get more bang for your buck going with a PC OEM, and if portability is not the biggest concern, you have more choices.
I'd say first find out if you need Windows 10 Pro. Home is fine for most work related stuff. Pro is necessary if your computer will be connecting to a Windows Server (domain instead of workgroup).

If it isn't being moved around much. I'd opt for the Windows laptop just so you can have a 15" 1920x1080 screen, possibly 17". Rather than that old 13" 1280x800 display. Otherwise upgrading the RAM to 8GB and a 250GB SSD is probably fine.
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