Is it not working? I haven’t specifically checked to see if I get 4K with Safari. There is a hidden stats mode that will tell you but it looks like 4K just by eyeballing it. I’ll check later.
Is it not working? I haven’t specifically checked to see if I get 4K with Safari. There is a hidden stats mode that will tell you but it looks like 4K just by eyeballing it. I’ll check later.
I guess I was wrong. I'm only seeing 1920x1080 HDR in Safari. I thought I tested this before and saw 4K. Not sure if something changed.
Edit: Just did an online chat with Netflix support. I was told that not all Macs with Safari work with 4k. I asked for clarification of why a brand new M1 MacBook Air wouldn't support 4K and the answer was "not all browsers support 4K". No real explanation. Just repeating the same non-answer over and over.
I just cancelled Netflix. Next month I'm going to Disney.