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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 28, 2015
I’m trying for some time to have a working Mac OS X 10.4 system on a PowerBook G3 PDQ 266Mhz using XPostFacto 4.
After trying different methods, the only way I could find that gives me a system that I can boot up to desktop consistently was to clone an existing 10.3.9 install from a Clamshell to an partition of an HD formatted by Apple’s Drive Setup in OS9. That works fine, system can boot when I want.

But I wanted 10.4, so removed the drive, installed it in a Pismo and made the update with a 10.4 dvd. Went fine. The HD went back into the PDQ, and could reboot fine. I could even make the upgrade with a 10.4.8 combo image I had on the disk.

Now come the time I want to connect to my other Macs. I try Cmd-K, type the ip , click connect… nothing.
So I click on the « Network » on a finder window side bar , I do see some servers aliases appear in the window, but if I double click on one , I get :

« The alias « nameOfTheServer » couldn’t be opened:
The original couldn’t be found »
And buttons « delete alias », « correct the alias » or « Ok ».

-« Delete alias » can’t be done, normal user don’t have permission, and even logged as root, it doesn’t want to remove it.
-« Correct the alias », opens a window to point to the original, but where the heck is it ? Tried in /Network, but these are the same aliases, check elsewhere, couldn’t find .
-« Ok » does nothing. I suppose means « you don’t need to connect to other servers , deal with it ».
I’ve tried repairing permissions, boot in su and fsck.
Also tried stop and restart Bonjour service :
sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

But all my tries doesn’t solves the problem.
Anyone have an idea ?
No, but i'm having problems with KernelPanics on a fresh Tiger install on my 12"Powerbook.
I found AppleJack and that has seemed to tame the beast.
As soon as you finished boot into SU you can type in applejack and it will give you some instructions how to use it.
Worth a try?
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Well, thanks that is a utility I didn't know about.
Would have tried, but now Tiger refuses to boot to desktop... Stuck in verbose mode looping "... loading ApplicationService...".
I'm going to format (again), and try a complete install (again).
With the PDQ, there are quite a few requirements:
+ drive must be 128GB or less
+ drive must be formatted from OS 9
- formatting from OS X, even with OS 9 drivers, wouldn't boot
+ OS X (system) MUST be in the first 8GB of the drive
- if the partition extends beyond the first 8GB, it may boot, but will eventually fail to boot as the OS moves files around in the partition

I worked around most of this to have a reliably-booting 10.4 by:
+ using a 128GB drive
+ format in OS 9 with 7.9GB partition and 120GB partition
+ install OS 9 to 2nd partition (120GB)
+ install 10.4 to 1st partition (~8GB)
+ from another OS X (could be installer), move /Applications and /Users to 2nd partition (120GB) and make symlinks back to 1st partition (8GB)

From there it is just using XPostFacto to switch between OS 9 and OS X.
yes thks, that is mostly what I've tried. But with a 40Gb hd.
A 1st 7.5Gb partition for tiger,
a 2nd 8Gb for OS9,
and the rest for putting big stuff.
All formatted in OS9 with Apple drive setup tool.

I had a 10.4.11 install cloned from a Pismo working for a while (2-3 days), then after first time trying to put it to sleep, it crashed, and it failed to boot to desktop after that.
Was looping in verbose mode with msg "waiting for metadata..." or like the one I posted above.

even re-formating and cloning the same exact partition image would give me this.
So tried installing fresh from Tiger CDs (and it takes several tries), succeded, but if I do the updates to 10.4.11, it get stuck again in verbose mode with these kind of msgs. Tried also formatting the HD, putting it in a Pismo, install Tiger and updates, and back into the PDQ, same things.
It seems it's the updates brake something.
Tried also cloning that Panther install, then upgrade to Tiger, but then I get these network aliases problem...

Anyway, maybe could work with a Tiger not updated, but found Panther runs fine on it and I'm tired of cloning/install/update ect... :)
So it will stay with Panther. It as 384Mb of ram.
Gave me a good reason to dig out my PDQ, and it seems I had installed OS 9 in the first partition along with OS X.
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Nice .
Now that makes me jealous... Why can't i have Tiger purr fine on mine :/
What is that "466 Mhz power pc g3" ? Upgrade card ?

Maybe will try again with another HD.
Thanks ! Will definitively try again with these setting and another HD.
Maybe it is some of the XPostFacto options? I didn't have much success with the PatchedRagePro option, and without the NMI/kprintf it would sometimes just freeze on boot. The caviat is that I get to see all the debug text during boot, but at least it boots correctly every time, so I can live with that.
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Today, I used yet another 40Gb HD, installed it in a Pismo. As this PDQ doesn't want to boot from 10.4 CDs now...
Made 10.4 install on the first 7.8 Gbs, then 9 on the second partition. Moved the HD into the PDQ, booted on 9, installed XPostFacto with your settings. Booted on 10.4 :)
Ok this is the first step, now I want to update to 10.4.11, and usually it doesn't want to boot after that.
So next step is removing the HD, making a complete exact image using dd on my MBP, so I'm sure I have at least a bootable 10.4 *period* that I can image back to the HD if it doesn't want to boot once the PDQ is updated to 10.4.11.
What an exciting life...
Success :


So I used your settings to update to the 10.4.11 combo online. Worked fine and rebooted fine. Second update was Quicktime and Safari, update went fine but reboot stuck looping in verbose mode. Rebooted in OS9 , unchecked "Use old NDRVs", and rebooted fine in Tiger. Then did all the following updates that doesn't need reboot, all fine.
Just, at one point I left the PowerBook for a few mn, and it went to sleep and wouldn't wake.
it apparently doesn't like sleeping at all, have to hard reboot in OS9 to reselect OS X or startup.
So I've set it to never sleep...
Anyway, thanks for your screenshots/settings e all. Will see how (and how long) it runs with a fully updated Tiger now :)
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I usually set my Macs to never sleep while on outlet power, so I didn't think about this with the PDQ as I don't have any working batteries for it...
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