I’m trying for some time to have a working Mac OS X 10.4 system on a PowerBook G3 PDQ 266Mhz using XPostFacto 4.
After trying different methods, the only way I could find that gives me a system that I can boot up to desktop consistently was to clone an existing 10.3.9 install from a Clamshell to an partition of an HD formatted by Apple’s Drive Setup in OS9. That works fine, system can boot when I want.
But I wanted 10.4, so removed the drive, installed it in a Pismo and made the update with a 10.4 dvd. Went fine. The HD went back into the PDQ, and could reboot fine. I could even make the upgrade with a 10.4.8 combo image I had on the disk.
Now come the time I want to connect to my other Macs. I try Cmd-K, type the ip , click connect… nothing.
So I click on the « Network » on a finder window side bar , I do see some servers aliases appear in the window, but if I double click on one , I get :
« The alias « nameOfTheServer » couldn’t be opened:
The original couldn’t be found »
And buttons « delete alias », « correct the alias » or « Ok ».
-« Delete alias » can’t be done, normal user don’t have permission, and even logged as root, it doesn’t want to remove it.
-« Correct the alias », opens a window to point to the original, but where the heck is it ? Tried in /Network, but these are the same aliases, check elsewhere, couldn’t find .
-« Ok » does nothing. I suppose means « you don’t need to connect to other servers , deal with it ».
I’ve tried repairing permissions, boot in su and fsck.
Also tried stop and restart Bonjour service :
sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.mDNSResponder.plist
But all my tries doesn’t solves the problem.
Anyone have an idea ?
After trying different methods, the only way I could find that gives me a system that I can boot up to desktop consistently was to clone an existing 10.3.9 install from a Clamshell to an partition of an HD formatted by Apple’s Drive Setup in OS9. That works fine, system can boot when I want.
But I wanted 10.4, so removed the drive, installed it in a Pismo and made the update with a 10.4 dvd. Went fine. The HD went back into the PDQ, and could reboot fine. I could even make the upgrade with a 10.4.8 combo image I had on the disk.
Now come the time I want to connect to my other Macs. I try Cmd-K, type the ip , click connect… nothing.
So I click on the « Network » on a finder window side bar , I do see some servers aliases appear in the window, but if I double click on one , I get :
« The alias « nameOfTheServer » couldn’t be opened:
The original couldn’t be found »
And buttons « delete alias », « correct the alias » or « Ok ».
-« Delete alias » can’t be done, normal user don’t have permission, and even logged as root, it doesn’t want to remove it.
-« Correct the alias », opens a window to point to the original, but where the heck is it ? Tried in /Network, but these are the same aliases, check elsewhere, couldn’t find .
-« Ok » does nothing. I suppose means « you don’t need to connect to other servers , deal with it ».
I’ve tried repairing permissions, boot in su and fsck.
Also tried stop and restart Bonjour service :
sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.mDNSResponder.plist
But all my tries doesn’t solves the problem.
Anyone have an idea ?