I use calculator a lot. In the update simple calculations in say millons like 10000000x3 would output a number like 30000000. Now I get outputs like 1.2e7 vs the actual number. However the actual number appears in the side bar. Anyway to fix this.
Bug 1 - hitting AC to clear a result, calculation result re-loads when you close the calculator and re-open the app
Bug 2 - you can continue a calculation by repeat hitting the equals sign
The worst part is it is rounding decimals when not necessary, a simple calculation like 210,365.78 - 21,367 gives 188,998.8. It’s a royal pain.. specially when doing financial calculations. Just make the damn font smaller.
The worst part is it is rounding decimals when not necessary, a simple calculation like 210,365.78 - 21,367 gives 188,998.8. It’s a royal pain.. specially when doing financial calculations. Just make the damn font smaller.