Ugh! The old UI was a bit cluttered, but the new one... they went completely overboard in the other direction, trying to make the display as pretty and devoid of information as possible. And I really hate it.
The thumbnails are gone, so you have to read everything, they used a spindly font in ALL UPPERCASE (my theory is that upper and lowercase might have conveyed too much information) with white text on (often) light pastel backgrounds, making it simultaneously screen filling yet hard to read. The home screen went from dozens of thumbnails to 3 or 4 UPPERCASE titles at a time. If you're a blank slate and have no idea what you want to watch perhaps it's nice. If you know what things you want to watch, it's a mess to drill down into the menus to find anything.
Before, I could glance at the line of thumbnails for shows on my list that had new episodes and instantly see, "oh, three of them have new episodes" (by the little blue "New" in the corner). Now it's multiple swipes to get anywhere, and in the "Keep Watching" tab, for instance, you have to scroll down onto each show to get any more information about what's available/new besides the title.
Now, the home screen lists the names of 3 or 4 shows at a time, most of which I don't want to watch (and there's no way to say thumbs down - you can say "add it to my favorites" but not "never bother me with this show again"), and I have to switch away from this screen to other screens to get to anything I want to see. This seems like it's much more beneficial to Hulu than it is to me. Smh.
Thanks for the bit on the autoplay. That bugged the hell out of me the other night - after the program I wanted to watch finished, it just started autplaying some other show it thought I'd be interested in. NO! I want to be in charge of selecting what plays next on my TV. That doesn't seem like too much to ask.
Aha! For what it's worth, I was just able to go into the Hulu app on my iPad, and into the settings, and find a toggle for autoplay, which was switched on. I've turned that off. Let's see if that propagates to the Apple TV or is per-device.
Oh... nope, that didn't affect the Apple TV - it finished the show I was watching, and picked something at random (a show I've not heard of, much less selected) to autoplay.