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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 15, 2008
I went to Apple this weekend to buy a leather strap and they are out of stock on everything but saddle brown, black and Red. all of the colors listed on the site, aubergine, cosmos blue, fuscia are all gone. even the website doesn't have them. How long before apple announces new colors?
I believe that last year the spring colors were somewhere between mid March and mid April. Someone posted in another thread the other day that it should be within 2 to 3 weeks.
I went to Apple this weekend to buy a leather strap and they are out of stock on everything but saddle brown, black and Red. all of the colors listed on the site, aubergine, cosmos blue, fuscia are all gone. even the website doesn't have them. How long before apple announces new colors?

With all the bands recently being constrained, it could be an indication of Soring keynote is coming that will refresh the watchbands. It’s very possible the Apple could update the leather bands as well as Sport bands as well.
I am thinking the 20th or 27th. It was a Tuesday last year where they did a quiet launch. Cant remember the exact date, but it was in the last 1/3 of March.
I've been patiently waiting for a month for the cosmos blue leather loop to be put back in stock. Apple support says it's not gone forever but it seems crazy to me that a giant corporation can't restock something that shoes on its website as "new".
Did the prior watch bands and leather/silicone case replacements/refresh coincide with WWDC or am I just making that up?
I’ve become slightly obsessed by the idea of the Cosmos Blue leather loop (although if they replaced it with a different blue with a slightly more teal or peacock tone I’d be very happy, or even a mid grey). I’ve never had a leather strap so this is highly uncharacteristic. C’mon Apple!
Did the prior watch bands and leather/silicone case replacements/refresh coincide with WWDC or am I just making that up?
Last year they updated the bands just about this time, one of the last Tuesdays in March. I do not think there were any released around the time of WWDC.
Well, the edu event is on the 27th. We’ll most likely see new bands that day. They did the same thing last year, just didn’t mention them at the keynote.
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