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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 29, 2014
Vancouver, BC
I've been reading the threads for the last month and could no longer lurk. I have to put in my 2 cents.

I pre-reserved the iPhone 6 at my local store and went in to pick it up. The entire experience was one for the ages. The atmosphere and buzz around the store and the lineup blew my mind. It was a lot of fun.

So obviously I've been using the phone since the 19th. I have to say it's the best phone I ever owned. I did upgrade from an iPhone 4 so the difference is day and night. I couldn't be happier with my purchase.

In my mind the phone is the nicest Apple has ever produced, both aesthetically and performance wise.

Since I've been reading the threads I've noticed that nobody has complained about the iPhone 6. All the issues or complaints have come about the iPhone 6+. I also haven't seen many threads praising the 6.

Are there other iPhone 6 users out there who are as satisfied with their phone as I am?


macrumors member
Sep 29, 2014
Welcome to the community! Glad you are enjoying your new iPhone 6! Im sure the majority of the iPhone 6 users here are pretty happy with their choice in device! Mine supposedly comes this Friday, can't wait!


macrumors 68040
Jun 12, 2011
Since I've been reading the threads I've noticed that nobody has complained about the iPhone 6. All the issues or complaints have come about the iPhone 6+. I also haven't seen many threads praising the 6.

Welcome to MR! Glad you are enjoying your new phone. When it comes down to it, that's really all that matters! :) I do have to agree with you that there are a lot of complaints about the 6 Plus unfortunately. I actually do like mine however and all the little glitches I have experienced so far I attribute to iOS 8.

BTW, neither the 6 and 6 Plus will receive any real praise until 2016 when the iPhone 7 comes out. Then people will complain about this and that and praise the design of the 6/6s and 6 Plus/6s Plus. Happens every time.


macrumors 603
Mar 16, 2012
Manchester, UK
Glad you like it.
I been using the 6 for few days now and love it!
Many people think the iPhone 4 was best iPhone designed but I did like the 5/5s more. Love the 6 design, its display and how nice it feels on hand... not entirely sure if it is the best iPhone design to date though. I don't normally keep a phone cases but since this one is thin enough, I bought a blue silicon case from Apple.

I have been reading some complains about bugs on iOS 8/0.2 however on my iPhone 6 it have been buttery smooth. So I 100% agree, performance wise is the best.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 29, 2014
Vancouver, BC
BTW, neither the 6 and 6 Plus will receive any real praise until 2016 when the iPhone 7 comes out. Then people will complain about this and that and praise the design of the 6/6s and 6 Plus/6s Plus. Happens every time.

I'm not sure why they're complaining so much. Maybe it's because the upgrades are so minute when you upgrade from just the previous release. In my case because I went from the 4 to this, the upgrade is huge. Every thing is so much better that I don't notice the small stuff.


macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2014
I'm not sure why they're complaining so much. Maybe it's because the upgrades are so minute when you upgrade from just the previous release. In my case because I went from the 4 to this, the upgrade is huge. Every thing is so much better that I don't notice the small stuff.

Exactly, people want that new toy feeling and you don't always get that when upgrading every year (as each is an incremental one compared to last years).

The 'best' way to upgrade IMO is like you did, every 2 - 4 years and you will see a much bigger jump and be happier with your purchase.

No matter what tho there's always going to be complaining ;)


macrumors 68040
Jun 12, 2011
I'm not sure why they're complaining so much. Maybe it's because the upgrades are so minute when you upgrade from just the previous release. In my case because I went from the 4 to this, the upgrade is huge. Every thing is so much better that I don't notice the small stuff.

They really kinda are. I had the 5 and jumped to the 5s (5 was a horrible phone for me) back in April and now I got the 6 Plus. Couldn't be happier. Really the only difference from the 5s is the screen size, but that was enough for me though to get it because it has effectively replaced my iPad and my rMBP goes untouched except for typing the occasional long document or on-the-go video editing.
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