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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jan 3, 2014
Silicon Valley, CA
CMPro 5,1 OCLP 1.3.0 or other versions no longer automatically boot and system sits with a black screen after post.
  • Option boot shows EFI OCLP is the default and you can boot that way.
  • Reset NVRAM, set Mojave or Catalina partitions as default works fine.
  • Disabled SIP under Mojave, reinstalled OCLP 1.3.0, blessed the Configure.efi
  • Option booted to OCLP, set OCLP System default (Monterey) nut it still does not restart to OCLP Monterey on its own.
I guess I experimented too much with OCLP. I cleared EFI, reinstalled OCLP, but it is still not booting on its own. Macschrauber shows a clean NVRAM. NVRAM points to EFI boot device.

Does anybody have any ideas of what else to try.
Need help please. Updated Monterey 12.7.4 and of course the known issue that I lost my WiFi & Ethernet as well and I have no way of installing the new update for OCLP from 1.4.1, to 1.4.2 to get my WiFi or Ethernet going again.

So I'm stuck. Thank you
I just had to download OCLP 1.4.2 and rebuild, and now I'm good. THANKS
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Hi everyone, I would like to draw some community brainpower to help me please?.
Years ago, I bought a mac pro 4, 1 - flashed it, installed Monterey running with rx580. Happy for years and didn't tinker much since it was running.

Very recently acquired an HP AMD reference Radeon Pro W5700, which I thought could be compatible with my setup and be a decent, probably final upgrade.

For the last 3 weeks, I could not run anything other than Mojave with w5700. Tried dosdude’s Catalina, Big Sur, and Monterey. Tried manual OC, OCLP, Martin Lo, s, I have got my bootROM a bit of an issue as well.
I found the most success with the latest OCLP, managed to installed the latest Monterey with Rx580. As soon as I swap the graphics card it boots fine, just wont load the OS. (same story as Catalina and Big Sur) simple uses with Mojave, nil issues.

I wonder if anyone can make sense of this file pls, may give me a bit more clue my next steps. Many thanks in advance and
Much appreciated.


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