LOL, I assume his is not a joke. Every month there will be a new badge for that month that will not fill up until you complete the monthly challenge. Next month will be the 11/2017 and then the 12/2017 after that.
Well shoot, you are right and I am wrong. Mine is for 56 workouts this month that are 15 minutes or more...I am guessing it is personal and different for everybody?LOL. This is not the “Perfect Month”. This is the October Challenge ✌️
I need to average 91 minutes of exercise a day for this month's challenge. Its 3 more minutes a day than last month.
I don't have it, either. I missed a perfect September by three days because I got sick. I've also only had my watch since the end of May.All I have is the standard perfect month for October. Is there something you need to turn on for it to show up?
Mine is burn an average of at least 676 Calories a day, so far my average is 113. Don't think I'll be hitting that.
I'm guessing this is new in iOS 11/WatchOS 4. Will have to see what November's challenge is!
Just discovered this new challenge
Keep it up guys