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Looks like crap, guys. C'mon. Apple's lost it's heart and what it stood for.
Looks like crap, guys. C'mon. Apple's lost it's heart and what it stood for.

That's what people said when they replaced this (friendly, happy Mac)...


with this (boring grey Apple logo):


in Jaguar. :rolleyes:

Things change.
Damn, it took me 12 years to come to terms with the current/old SBOD.
Guess what, Windows 10 got the blur too, for example in the start menu or in the control center.
...really sucks. It's clunky and one color heavy.

Steve Jobs is rolling in his ashes.

Well, I can't say Steve is doing anything but returning to the earth, but I do agree with you that the balance of the beachball is off. It reminds me of a actual beachball we used to have when I was a kid — it had a weight inside that would make it flip around in a whacky way.

It is visually distracting. I'd rather not see the thing at all, but when I have to it'd be nice if it looked like something that was designed!
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