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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 10, 2015
Hi Everyone!

I love my new rMBP, but I have to say I'm a little disappointed with my keyboard. The keys feel really stiff and flat/mushy and there is not a lot of tactile feedback, which is completely different than what I've read from reviews and people's comments on the MBP lines. Furthermore, they also seem to be noisy in the sense that they rattle when I type.

Anyway, to make matters worse, I was messing with my friend's rMBP and noticed that his keys feel a lot clickier and firmer. It feels a lot better to type on his keys. I also went to the Apple store to check the ones on display and they feel a lot nicer to type on as well.

I've had this laptop for over a month now.

Is there some time to break in the keyboard so it doesn't feel as stiff and mushy, or are there variations in the keyboard quality? I'm a heavy typist so this is starting to bother me. I can normally get 130-150 wpm on my old Lenovo laptop or my desktop computer, but I end up having to slow down typing on here because it just doesn't feel as tactile (my WPM was averaging like 90-110 which is not a big deal, but there's a bit of a discrepancy).

Thank you!
Apple seems to use two different suppliers for keyboards on the rMBPs. One keyboard is a bit mushier with less tactile feedback. It seems you may have gotten that one. Unfortunately, just like the displays (Samsung vs. LG), it's all luck of the draw what you'll get.

If you were still inside of your return window I would have recommended to get it swapped out, but I'm not sure how lenient they'll be with doing an exchange now.

But with that said, I've owned about 6 or 7 Apple laptops and I've never once experienced a keyboard that actually rattles. The key caps may wobble a tiny bit when struck off-center, but that's going to be inherent in any scissor switch key design.
I also have a 2015 rMBP and have similar issues. I am ok with the feedback and the overall keyboard-touch. It's possible that my old 2008 aluminum MB was a little snappier. But what I find more annoying is that my keys also rattle. When I just tap my fingers on them without pushing any key, you can feel a little bit of leeway there.

Anyhow, I am also beyond the return window and have decided to keep it. As long as the keyboard works, I am fine. But in comparison to my 6 year old MB, it's definitely a step backward.:(
Thank you guys for the replies! I guess I just got an unlucky draw, but the rest of the machine is flawless to my liking so I don't want to make it a big issue. I might stop by the Genius bar and see what they say about it. I don't want to make a commotion, but I am curious to see if I have any options. I'll keep this updated if there is anything interesting to note.
I think they are all pretty much like that. I opened my new MBP and the difference was jarring when compared to my 2012. I thought it was defective. I drove back to the store where they have three generations of MBP and compared them. Unfortunately, the 2015s were pretty much identical to mine. A little disappointing. The space bar wobbles, the keys rattle, and the travel / tactile feedback are unsasisfying. My brain will get used to it I suppose but I still have an iMac with a much better keyboard feel.
I think they are all pretty much like that. I opened my new MBP and the difference was jarring when compared to my 2012. I thought it was defective. I drove back to the store where they have three generations of MBP and compared them. Unfortunately, the 2015s were pretty much identical to mine. A little disappointing. The space bar wobbles, the keys rattle, and the travel / tactile feedback are unsasisfying. My brain will get used to it I suppose but I still have an iMac with a much better keyboard feel.

That's really unfortunate! I was wondering if maybe they changed the keys due to trying to slim down the laptop. Anyway, it's weird that you said they were all identical to you because the ones in the store (at least in my area), felt a lot better to type on (less hand fatigue). I had assumed that maybe they just put out the best machines for display, but maybe it is just happenstance.
That's really unfortunate! I was wondering if maybe they changed the keys due to trying to slim down the laptop. Anyway, it's weird that you said they were all identical to you because the ones in the store (at least in my area), felt a lot better to type on (less hand fatigue). I had assumed that maybe they just put out the best machines for display, but maybe it is just happenstance.

It's possible your store got parts of different batches with slight variances. I highly doubt the store compared any before putting them on display. If yours isn't as nice as the display maybe it is worth getting it checked but there is no guarantee of what Genius Bar stock will be like and there is always a chance they will create more problems taking it apart. I'd see how it does over time and use the warranty if you need to.

I think you're right about slimming down. Slimmer keys with less travel describes it.
I owned 3 rMBP 2015 and each had a different keyboard feel. And some with an uneven feeling across it smh.. :confused:

I'm stuck with a mushy one. I don't know if i got used to it but i don't notice it anymore. It's definitely not as snappy as my cMPB.

It's kinda frustrating but i would advise you to stick with it if you don't spot any other flaws.

The perfect unit is really hard to find this days..
It's possible your store got parts of different batches with slight variances. I highly doubt the store compared any before putting them on display. If yours isn't as nice as the display maybe it is worth getting it checked but there is no guarantee of what Genius Bar stock will be like and there is always a chance they will create more problems taking it apart. I'd see how it does over time and use the warranty if you need to.

I think you're right about slimming down. Slimmer keys with less travel describes it.

Hmm, that's true. I'm worried about any potential damage from having to unnecessarily take it apart. Okay, I'll just play it by ear and see how it goes over time. :) Thank you so much for your input!
It is the 2015 13" - 256 GB SSD, 8 GB RAM, 2.7 GHz i5 model.

It's interesting how many issues people are having with the new 2015 (or maybe I'm just keying in on the 2015 because I bought one and every other year has has similar) I must have got the unicorn of 2015 13' rmbp. The screen everyone is wanting, the key board that is extremely nice. Maybe I'm just not noticing the problems to the degree everyone else is. My specs are: 3.1/16grm/512ssd/i7
I own a 2011 early 2011 17 inch MBP
27 inch iMac late 2013
additional wireless keyboard
early 2015 128gb 13 inch mbp

I notice no problems with the key board.
It's interesting how many issues people are having with the new 2015 (or maybe I'm just keying in on the 2015 because I bought one and every other year has has similar) I must have got the unicorn of 2015 13' rmbp. The screen everyone is wanting, the key board that is extremely nice. Maybe I'm just not noticing the problems to the degree everyone else is. My specs are: 3.1/16grm/512ssd/i7

Congrats! I'm envious. I was happy because my screen was absolutely gorgeous, but I just wish my keyboard wasn't so stiff and rattley at the same time haha. I'm hoping over time I'll just grow accustomed to typing on it, but the ones on the floor models are so much nicer to type on.

@jesusplay - Thank you for sharing! I appreciate it. I guess there are just some variations in the models as people mentioned above.
Congrats! I'm envious. I was happy because my screen was absolutely gorgeous, but I just wish my keyboard wasn't so stiff and rattley at the same time haha. I'm hoping over time I'll just grow accustomed to typing on it, but the ones on the floor models are so much nicer to type on.

@jesusplay - Thank you for sharing! I appreciate it. I guess there are just some variations in the models as people mentioned above.

Resurrecting this thread to ask the OP: did you go to a Genius Bar and ask about this? If so, what was the result? Or has the keyboard "broken in" now? I think I'm stuck with a similar keyboard, wondering about my options.
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