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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 21, 2016
I bought my wife and daughter both identical new Apple Watches (S1 38mm) for Easter. My wife's watch has been fine but my daughter's has been draining fast. My wife's was fully charged around 11:00am yesterday. She wore it to bed last night and upon waking up at 6:00am it was at 47%. My daughter's was fully charged at 9:00am yesterday. By 6:00pm it was at 10%. We charged it to 100% by 8:00pm and she wore it to bed and at 6:00am this morning it was at 15%. She did not have anything special running in the background other than a sleep tracker (Pillow which my wife was also running) and she always closes all open apps when done using them.

Any ideas why the discrepancy between the two watches? We will continue to monitor it for a couple days but if it continues at the same rate then I will exchange it.
Any ideas why the discrepancy between the two watches? We will continue to monitor it for a couple days but if it continues at the same rate then I will exchange it.

Check the battery info in the watch app. I had it already two times that something on the watch will not send it to standby and standby time was equal usage time. I shutdown the watch and started against this was gone.
Maybe it’s the Same on your daughters watch.
Otherwise I would recommend to do the same. Turn off the watch (keep the lower button pressed and slide „off“) and restart the device.
BTW. Found a screenshot I made.
It looked like this and the battery was already way down. Would say outbid n mind it dropped to <75%:
Occasionally something in the watch just gets "off"

a couple times my old s0, would be dead in 3-4 hours vs the 16-20 normally

to fix it, i un-paired, re-paired, and restored from backup
you loose no settings or content, just the hour or so of time needed to do all of this.
Stop doing that. Let the watchOS manage the apps the way it’s designed to do, like y U do on iPhones and iPads.

Exact the most common error people do, ending all the apps. There are only three reasons for me to end an app:
1. app is hanging and does not react anymore (developer problem!)
2. an app does not free gps, even though the app has ended (usually also a developer problem)
3. an app does not stop "telling" the iPhone that it stopped playing something (podcast, video etc.) and still is shown on Startscreen or in the play-control in the controlcenter.
But usually all of these are bad apps.
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Exact the most common error people do, ending all the apps. There are only three reasons for me to end an app:
1. app is hanging and does not react anymore (developer problem!)
2. an app does not free gps, even though the app has ended (usually also a developer problem)
3. an app does not stop "telling" the iPhone that it stopped playing something (podcast, video etc.) and still is shown on Startscreen or in the play-control in the controlcenter.
But usually all of these are bad apps.

I'd also advise that in my experience, battery life with Apple Watch is rarely determinable just out of the box. What I mean by that is that the Watch and the Phone both pair and that sets off a process on both devices that takes a couple of days to calibrate. Eventhough you bought the watches simultaneously and gave them both at Easter (wicked nice Easter gift, btw), the set up between the two will diverge based on your wife's and daughter's devices being different pairings.

All I'll add is that don't let the first 24 hours be your base of reference. If a week from now, you still see such a pronounced difference, then I might dig deeper.
Thanks for all the replies, very much appreciated.

We un-paired and re-paired the watch and that seems to have taken care of it.
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