I don't see the new features, like flight information, or longer phrases. Should I turn on a specific option or setting?
This is what I mean:?
Nothing to "turn on", as Spotlight simply accepts your search, without needing to change any settings.
Just enter your flight number, and information about that flight will appear, directly in the Spotlight search window.
For longer phrases (or more detailed questions), just type what you need to know.
Do you need some help with that?
Yeah, it worked for me also. Sounds like an issue with Spotlight on your machine, have you tried reindexing and verifying permissions for Spotlight?I typed the same exact flight number into spotlight and the information displayed almost instantaneously.
Reindexing was my first thought, but no dice. How can I check permissions for spotlight?Yeah, it worked for me also. Sounds like an issue with Spotlight on your machine, have you tried reindexing and verifying permissions for Spotlight?
Sadly, nothing.I'm not too knowledgable with Spotlight troubleshooting, but here are some pages I found that might help you out. My guess is that the first URL with loading the metadata plist might do the trick.
Sorry to hear that - you could try reaching out to Apple for additional support because it definitely isn't working right.Sadly, nothing.
Did all of them, rebuilt it several times, using different options offered. Even deleted the .Spotlight* directories and rebuilt them. Still same issue.
I guess if I do a fresh install it will work as expected, but I'd really like to avoid that.
Martin, there is one option in settings you may want to double check. As DeltaMac above said, go to settings, spotlight, then scroll down and make sure "Spotlight Suggestions" has a check mark next to it. I doubt this is the culprit, but for all troubleshooting I prefer to go for the low hanging fruit first.
I'm beginning to think that that is the issue here, I'm afraid. I'm currently in Panama, BTW.The spotlight enhancements might not be world-wide, as far as I know, so assuming that you are in US...
(If you are not in one of the fully supported countries, then you probably need to wait until final release of High Sierra, where support should be rolled out as much as can be expected.)
I've tried AA1124, Flight Number 1124 and American Airlines 1124, with exactly the same behavior.I do note, however, that when I typed AA1124 in a spotlight window, the flight information appeared immediately, as I typed the number 4
I have not changed any kind of setting that would have enabled that in any way.
(double-check that all categories are checked in Spotlight pref pane/Search Results, just as a test)
Did you try changing the flight search to "Flight number AA1124", or include the airline name in the search term?
No worries-- I apologize if my post #2 appeared in some way to be sarcastic --- that was not my intent, only an offer to help if you need it.
Overblown. Spotlight needs that data to bring you relevant search results. You may lose some privacy, especially using Spotlight to do workloads using Bing, but it's not significant for the vast majority of Apple users.I've read there are privacy concerns with having Spotlight Suggestions turned on so I turned them off. I am interested in using some of these features when High Sierra (I'm not on the Beta) is released. I'm assuming that the new features won't work without Spotlight Suggestions turned on. Is there any reason to keep it off, or are the privacy concerns overblown?