Sonos Arc is often rated #1 or near #1 in about all objective head-to-head reviews. I have one that I use solely for music and it sounds excellent... and I was surprised at how good it sounds (I'm generally down on soundbars when someone is chasing quality of sound).
Sonos also offers easy expandability to up to full surround sound and already has all that software to do so refined and functional
for years now. There are not even rumors of Apple having any interest in making HomePods (HPs) do more than stereo.
Lastly, Sonos works just fine with Apple Music and Airplay 2... so their speakers are effective at bringing the bulk of the best parts of HPs without the lockdown of the HPs. Not being Apple, Sonos also works equally well with about
every other music provider out there.
If Siri "smarts(?)" is important to you, use Siri in your Mac, AppleTV or iDevices for Siri commands. That will bring every bit of Apple's current level of Siri "smarts(?)" to any setup. Else, smarter smarts are available if desired, including a version of smarts from Sonos themselves.
Note: if you are wide open to suggestion, consider the superior option of NOT going with a soundbar at all but buying yourself a great receiver and a traditional 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound setup (5-7 speakers + sub) or better. Yes, that can be a bit more trouble to set up (ONCE) but it will deliver superior home theater sound than one can accomplish with ANY soundbar (or 2 HPs). While I do use a Sonos Arc like others use a HP, my main home theater setup is this way (receiver plus dedicated speakers & sub). If you want the very best sound, this is the way to go.
You can't go to any movie theater and see only a soundbar and/or 2 HPs down front by the screen. Why? Because that can't deliver the sound of dedicated speakers at strategic locations AROUND the audience. Replicating that in the home has been possible since the 1990s.
While soundbars offer very simple setup with as little as one cable connection, there are many audio sacrifices. And don't be fooled by marketing on the boxes claiming ATMOS. If you want true ATMOS, you need multiple speakers positioned all around you and overhead.
Whether receiver + speakers or soundbar, if modern and not dirt cheap, they should have a good implementation of CEC, which should allow a single remote to turn them on and off and control volume.
As to a TV recommendation: research, read reviews, go see some with your own eyes and choose for your own tastes. The one thing I'll offer is that the TV will outlast pretty much anything you could buy from Apple today... probably by a factor of 2X or longer. So budget accordingly. We Apple people will set an alarm to get up in the middle of the night trying to be first to buy something we'll be calling "long in tooth" in a few years and replacing in a few more (at most). Then we look at non-Apple tech like speakers and televisions and often "cheap out" even though both are likely to last farrrrrrr longer than any Apple stuff. I always suggest people budget and buy accordingly.