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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 29, 2010
Republic of California
Hi All,

I just got the Ultra 2. I love it so far, but I'm having an issue with Music. I go to the Watch app then to Music. I hit the Add Music button and select and album. It appears there for a few seconds (with no spinning wheel) then just disappears. I can't add anything. And, there are two albums on the watch that don't appear in the list and that I didn't add. Any help would be appreciated. I'm at an absolutely loss and have spent a couple hours on Google and haven't found any resolve.


macrumors member
Jun 21, 2012
Welcome to my alley. I gave up upon syncing playlists to my ultra 1. It works once in a blue moon for what reason ever. After setting up the watch as new I could sync playlists. After a month or so - no chance. The only way how to make it work is to set up and sync the watch again. I'm tired of it. Each time I want to add a playlist I have to go through the same procedure. It sucks. My next watch is a Garmin. Period.

But as I understood the apple support the last time, the syncing goes not directly between the iphone and watch, but through iCloud. If true - this is insane and proves my point that apple forces users to buy apple music utilizing annoyance and pesky workflow.

And none of the solutions suggested by apple support work. NONE but "setup as new".
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