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macrumors G5
Original poster
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hi Everyone,

Newbie here. Yes I'd like to learn programming and I've quickly went to the 2008 thread for the FAQ and once in those links it's cross-eyed time. Far too often links or suggestions anywhere assume someone has pre-determined knowledge or skills to programming yet I don't.

The best and easiest start I think for me is understanding concepts or basics - I decided to look into iTunes U "Swift Playgrounds: Learn To Code 1& 2" by Apple Education. Love how the course teacher goes through the basics For Loops etc.

What I'm hoping to go next is to learn how to use such concepts into seriously rudimentary and basic code that I can see an action result ... baby steps if you will. Then very simplistic basic code that I can type or reference or pick apart to learn more and apply the learning. Learning by doing.

Finally have a Mac ... MacMini as well as MacOSX Sierra and XCode installed.
But I'm trying to get started ...

There is no iTunes U for the MacOS/OSX so cannot start there. Notes from iTunes U on my iPhone is not transferrable onto the Mac, or is there?

BTW, I tried to launch Xcode's Playground and it's basically a command line text editor ... but I've not known commands to execute yet ... just what a command is. Can anyone help? I'll keep digging around.

Thanks in advance.


macrumors 68000
Jan 4, 2009
San Antonio, Texas
Last edited:


macrumors G5
Original poster
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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