I just purchased a G5 from the local classifieds. It was only listed as a PowerMac G5, without any specifications. I took a gamble and it turned out to be a nearly mint-condition Quad. It was missing RAM and the HDD. I installed 2x2GB RAM and an old HDD I had sitting around and was able to install OS X 10.5 Leopard on it. This machine is in amazing condition for its age. It has the dual pump LCS configuration and unlike all the G5 Quad videos on YouTube, this one runs very quietly.
My questions to the group are, do I need to consider servicing the liquid cooling system any time soon? Should I replace the thermal paste on the CPUs? I would like to upgrade the graphics card from the stock 6600. Is there anyone out there who could flash an ATI Radeon for me? Or sell me one preflashed? I don't have a PC to do this on.
I intend to mainly use it for vintage mac gaming. I would like to play Halo Combat Evolved, StarCraft, Falcon 4.0, and any other old games I can get my hands on. This computer is probably overkill for that, but I don't care. It will be cool if I can track down a 30" cinema display. I have a set of SoundSticks to go with it.