This isn't the first time, that they seemed to be guilty of shady practices.
Either last year or 2020, when you wanted to buy a GPU they forced you to buy a PSU - which was then found to be dangerous, i.e., literally catching fire. Then because of the backlash they were allowing people to return the PSU - but only if you included the GPU which was a scummy thing to do. Finally public pressure caused them to relent and only return the psu.
Now its seems that Steve from GamerNexus returned an unused and unopened motherboard to newegg, but they rejected the RMA saying the pins were bent and then later they said there was thermal paste on the mobo, so it must have been used. Steve didn't just not open the motherboard box, but he didn't even open the ups box. They basically stonewalled him, until they realized he has a following of 1.55 million subscribers on YT and 186k followers on twitter. Once it started trending on twitter it seemed newegg tried to save face.
I've had some issues dealing with them to the point now that I'll generally avoid them. If Microcenter and amazon doesn't have it, maybe I would try newegg, but after seeing this video and responses on twitter on how its been happening to so many people I'll just avoid them completely.
Either last year or 2020, when you wanted to buy a GPU they forced you to buy a PSU - which was then found to be dangerous, i.e., literally catching fire. Then because of the backlash they were allowing people to return the PSU - but only if you included the GPU which was a scummy thing to do. Finally public pressure caused them to relent and only return the psu.
Now its seems that Steve from GamerNexus returned an unused and unopened motherboard to newegg, but they rejected the RMA saying the pins were bent and then later they said there was thermal paste on the mobo, so it must have been used. Steve didn't just not open the motherboard box, but he didn't even open the ups box. They basically stonewalled him, until they realized he has a following of 1.55 million subscribers on YT and 186k followers on twitter. Once it started trending on twitter it seemed newegg tried to save face.
I've had some issues dealing with them to the point now that I'll generally avoid them. If Microcenter and amazon doesn't have it, maybe I would try newegg, but after seeing this video and responses on twitter on how its been happening to so many people I'll just avoid them completely.