I use both. My current iOS phone is a iP6S, my current Android phone is a Nexus 6.
There's a lot of FUD being spread here that's pure BS. Typical of Apple devotees that haven't had a true Android experience were they took responsibility to learn it, as they have iPhone. These are DIFFERENT Mobile OS's with distinctly difference characteristics. "Mine fell on soft carpet and broke" Oh please I have a hard time believing that.
With little to no knowledge of materials they love to bash plastic which is one of the best materials in the world for a vast number of products. Yet elitist snobby Apple worshippers claim it's inferior.
"Structural Bending is a problem" It's highly likely this person doesn't even know what structural bending is. It just goes on and on when I read the crap they claim.
Well known as having a superiority complex, Steve Jobs and crew, which is now Tim Cook and crew are so busy blowing smoke and patting each other on the back it's not even funny. Yes, they make tons of money, Yes iPhones are excellent, but it that is true, then why do all they haters go out of their way to continually bring up Samsung, Google, Android et al to bash them?
Insecurity is why. These people cannot be happy with what they have in Apple, they've got to bash the other makes.
Shallow indeed.