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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 17, 2010
Hi folks, I have an issue with my Mid 2010 15" MBP.

I have no sound. When I press the volume up and down buttons, I see this

Screen Shot 2021-05-08 at 11.15.51.png

- In sound preferences it says on digital Output an not internal speakers

Screen Shot 2021-05-08 at 11.18.33.png

- The Headphone Jack has a red light inside.

- Headphones work fine when plugged in

I have tried the usual cleaning the headphone jack with cotton bud, alcohol, cocktail stick to no avail.

I searched youtube and came across a video suggesting that if two of the soldered connections to the logic board from the jack itself are shortened then it can bring back the internal speakers, but then this also makes the headphone jack useless.

Screen Shot 2021-05-08 at 11.20.34.png

I tried this myself and I can confirm he is correct and it brings back the internal speakers!

However I am reluctant to make my headphone jack inoperable just to make the speakers work.

Can anyone tell me the logic behind why this solves the problem, and if it suggests that anything can be done inside the headphone jack to solve the issue from that end?

Many thanks!

( I really cant afford a new logic board right now)

Headphones work fine


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    Screen Shot 2021-05-08 at 11.17.09.png
    61 KB · Views: 215
I found something in my Mac archives that might help. I've never had this problem myself, but what's below might be of interest to you. I didn't write it -- I just saw it and archived it:
SOLVED as if it was a Hackintosh - Voodoo HDA bypasses Optical Audio "Switch"

If the above resolution doesn't work cause the optical audio switch internally is stuck.... Don't throw the MacBook away or replace the logic board or pay to replace the jack....

Don't poke it with a stick.... instead bypass the optical audio(if you don't need it) and here is how I did it:


I have tried for years to fix this dam Optical audio issue and recently got to thinking after I built myself a killer Hackintosh for work why couldn't this audio issue be solved using some Hackintosh Kext like the ones I used building my

Well guess what IT CAN!

Here is what I did:

Tested theory & audio first with an Ubuntu Live CD - - - AUDIO WORKS!

Downloaded the current Voodoo HDA Kexts from Sourceforge - which are for Intel HDA to begin with :) v286 and ran the installer.

The I downloaded the Kext Utility (Google Search to find it) It will be in the download section of:

Just run the kext utility to repair permissions, clear caches etc.

Then restart.

After restart audio possibly could be / will be a little low, or won't mute or won't lower, so you will need to enable the Voodoo HDA Audio fixes as needed here:

1. Open the Terminal and go to /System/Library/Extensions/VoodooHDA.kext/Contents directory.
2. Type the command: sudo nano -w Info.plist.
3. Press CONTROL-W (^W for search) and search for the string "VoodooHDAEnableHalfVolumeFix" (without the quotes). Change the value from false to true. Save the file. enable other fixes as needed.
4. Fix your permissions by running Kext Utility and clear your caches.
5. Reboot the system. Volume now at the right levels...



Apple couldn't do it or didn't want to and so many people on the Apple forums say you can't bypass the optical audio switch.... BS!

Not to mention when I posted this resolution on Apple Support forum they were quick to take it down.....

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