So I’ve been trying to optimise my Apple TV 4th Gen over the past few days as I just subscribed to Now TV here in the UK for Premier League football and noticed how the Now TV app doesn’t use the Match Frame Rate option so the 50fps 1080p streams look pretty juddery at 1080p 60Hz.
No problem whatsoever setting it to 1080p 50Hz and enjoying the smooth picture. I also have Match Frame Rate switched on as Netflix, Prime Video, etc all switch to the native frame rate perfectly.
However I noticed this evening that YouTube doesn’t? Interestingly, if you AirPlay the same YouTube video, my TV will switch to 60Hz but in the app, it stays locked at 50Hz, again causing some judder, presumably because it’s trying to play the 30fps (don’t think Apple allow the 60fps YouTube content?) YouTube video at 50Hz?
Is there a workaround for this that isn’t switching my output settings constantly?!
No problem whatsoever setting it to 1080p 50Hz and enjoying the smooth picture. I also have Match Frame Rate switched on as Netflix, Prime Video, etc all switch to the native frame rate perfectly.
However I noticed this evening that YouTube doesn’t? Interestingly, if you AirPlay the same YouTube video, my TV will switch to 60Hz but in the app, it stays locked at 50Hz, again causing some judder, presumably because it’s trying to play the 30fps (don’t think Apple allow the 60fps YouTube content?) YouTube video at 50Hz?
Is there a workaround for this that isn’t switching my output settings constantly?!