is no longer taking Pre-Orders for the 6s and plus.
Pre-Orders will start again on the 26th and those that pre order then will get the phones in about 2 weeks from that date.
This all was told to me by an Apple rep via chat just now.....
The rep also told me that if I purchase online, I cannot return the phone in store?? WTF?
I want to get on the AUP but she is telling me I'd have to cancel my order and pre-order on the 26th. I know the AUP is an in-store thing but she is really confusing me now saying my pre-order I already did has to be returned back to them and not in store and also that it's using my upgrade for my line? How is it using an upgrade if I'm paying full price?
Pre-Orders will start again on the 26th and those that pre order then will get the phones in about 2 weeks from that date.
This all was told to me by an Apple rep via chat just now.....
The rep also told me that if I purchase online, I cannot return the phone in store?? WTF?
I want to get on the AUP but she is telling me I'd have to cancel my order and pre-order on the 26th. I know the AUP is an in-store thing but she is really confusing me now saying my pre-order I already did has to be returned back to them and not in store and also that it's using my upgrade for my line? How is it using an upgrade if I'm paying full price?