I use the three Weather Underground apps - Wunderground, Storm, and WunderStation - with a paid $10/year subscription to kill ads on an epichrome webapp and those 3 iOS apps. The Storm app is advertised on TWC's web portal but it's Weather Underground app in the iOS App Store - go figure? The same login works with each of the apps - I pretty much hate ads in my apps and pay for IAPs when possible.
I like the Storm app's "layer" showing driving conditions. Considering WU is owned by TWC which is owned by IBM (Powered By Watson!
) - the Storm app displays the more data than the TWC app, but it's not as pretty as the TWC app IMO.
I also use WeatherSphere's NOAA Hi-Def Radar app, also with a map of driving conditions and RadarUS's Dual Radar, both paid apps. I don't go in for apps that "forecast" the weather - I stick my head out the window for that…