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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Nov 14, 2011
When I have night shift on and scroll in Safari everything looks a bit weird, like text and buttons get this sort of pink glow around them. It bothers me so much I turned night shift off. Anyone else have that experience?
If you set it to warmer than default then a line of text appears underneath warning you that it may affect the appearance of motion.
If you set it to warmer than default then a line of text appears underneath warning you that it may affect the appearance of motion.
Hmm...I set it to cooler than the default and still get that effect. I want to like it but just can't. I think John Gruber referred to it as "gross" on Twitter. :eek:
When I have night shift on and scroll in Safari everything looks a bit weird, like text and buttons get this sort of pink glow around them. It bothers me so much I turned night shift off. Anyone else have that experience?

Yes. Google sent me here. Would hate to turn it off since I dig the idea. Will txt to turn it down for now.
When I have night shift on and scroll in Safari everything looks a bit weird, like text and buttons get this sort of pink glow around them. It bothers me so much I turned night shift off. Anyone else have that experience?
I used that last evening for web browsing (a couple hours): I really love it.
I see the pink kind of ghosting effect as you scroll with night shift on. Doesn't bother me though. The pink is really subtle but the ghosting is there.
I'm really curious why NightShift changes the behavior of anything at all.

On Macs when you adjust the screen color temperature, ONLY the color temperature changes. There is no performance hit and no "weird" animation effects.

You would think iOS devices would have color management in the hardware and behave similarly right? I'm guessing not. I hope they add color management as a feature in the next chipset.
If this ghosting effects you please file a ticket with AppleCare. The more people that call the sooner we get a fix (if possible with software)
I'm used to automatic Night Shift settings and I don't even notice that it's there. I like it because I do think it reduces eye strain. I have it higher than default but not max, and I don't see anything.
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