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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 17, 2010
Every once in awhile, I notice that my Apple Watch won't recognize the fact that I did my two minutes of standing in an hour. It usually goes like this: I'll get the notification 50 minutes into the hour telling me to stand up and I will comply for 5 minutes and it doesn't recognize. Sometimes, I'll stand and walk around for the whole ten minutes and it won't recognize it.

Stranger than that is the fact that it'll do this sporadically for a whole day and then cease to do it for weeks.

Anyone else experience this?
I just experienced the same problem today. I had zero stands today although I have been standing on and off today. I am not sure why is happening and how this could be rectified...
YES! it's sporadic but it REALLY pisses me off cuz I'm a bit anal about my stands! just yesterday morning, I put my watch back on after my shower... before 8 a.m. I already had my stand for 7 a.m. I went about getting breakfast, walking about the house, etc. Finally at 8:30 I looked at my watch and I hadn't registered a stand for the 8 a.m. hour yet!? WTF!? Fortunately at the point I got up and exaggerated marching around.

I also get a LOT of missed 4 a.m. stands for some reason. I do a lot of sitting after I first get up before working out, but I definitely do more than 1 minute of standing/walking. The worst part of the 4 a.m. stand is I NEVER get the 4:50 notice that I need to stand up! UGH!

I really do wish I knew why it happens and what we need to do to fix it!
I get similar results on some days, then on other days it works like a charm. Yesterday, I was still up after midnight and was credited with both 12 am and 1 am stands. Put the watch on a little after 8 am and received the 8 am stand but not 9 am or 11 am. I was at work soon was definitely walking several times during those periods of time. Once I got back from lunch, I had not gotten my 2 pm stand and the phone gave me the notification at 2:50 but even though I got up and walked around the office doing a few things for over 10 minutes I never received the credit. Absolutely drives me crazy! Now today I have not been as active as I'm working on a project and have been sitting a lot but I have the stand credit for every single hour since 8 am. It is very inconsistent.
I find if you keep checking the activity app every 30 seconds on your watch, showing the stand ring while moving around, it will eventually count your hourly stand. This method has never failed me. But sometimes when I forget to do this I too get missed hours.
They really need to rename stand to "get up and walk around dummy" :) I was on a conf call waking around the whole hour holding the phone in my left hand. At 9:50am, my watched buzzed to stand. I switched hands and walked for 15 seconds and it said "good job". It just needs us to get up and move for 15-20 seconds with arm movement from the arm with the watch. You can prove this anytime by sitting on your butt and wait until :50 and then when it reminds you to stand click ok and move your arm for 15-20 seconds.
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Happened again today. 3:00 hour at 3:50 I got the notification and got up and walked around the office for like 5 minutes. No dice. 4:00 hour I was up several times and nothing. I am OCD about these stupid rings and this is driving me crazy!


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Happened again today. 3:00 hour at 3:50 I got the notification and got up and walked around the office for like 5 minutes. No dice. 4:00 hour I was up several times and nothing. I am OCD about these stupid rings and this is driving me crazy!
That sounds like a bad watch motion detection. When I get the notification to stand, I click ok and start walking and it literally takes 15 seconds to buzz good job.

If your arms are a flapping for 15-20 seconds, you will get credit no matter what time in that new hour. I cannot get this to ever fail. I don't even have to stand. Flap your arms or run in place for 15-20 seconds and it will register a stand.

I assume you don't walk like the one episode of Seinfeld where the lady didn't move her arms. Funny episode.
They really need to rename stand to "get up and walk around dummy" :) I was on a conf call waking around the whole hour holding the phone in my left hand. At 9:50am, my watched buzzed to stand. I switched hands and walked for 15 seconds and it said "good job". It just needs us to get up and move for 15-20 seconds with arm movement from the arm with the watch. You can prove this anytime by sitting on your butt and wait until :50 and then when it reminds you to stand click ok and move your arm for 15-20 seconds.
There ya go --

The watch doesn't know whether you're "up" or "down", it only knows whether your wrist is horizontal or vertical. If I walk around while carrying something in my watch hand (left for me), and my left arm stays basically horizontal, the watch thinks I'm still sitting down.

I can also trick the watch into giving me Stand credit by dangling my arm downward. I was able to reach the daily Stand goal during a six-hour bus trip.

If most of my standing time in an hour -- like, while waiting for the subway -- is spent noodling around on my phone or holding a coffee, and my watch is mostly horizontal, it thinks I'm actually sitting, and I might not get credit.

Now, if the watch fails to register Stand credit at all, it could be a problem. If it still correctly turns on when raising your wrist, it's probably not an accelerometer problem, because the same chip is used for Stand and Activity tracking.

Check again when the time gets to :50 and it prompts you to stand. If you can drop your hand and move it around -- sitting or standing -- and the watch gives you credit, the watch is fine. Think about your movement patterns instead.
When my Watch asks me to stand at the 50 min point, I stand and swing my watch arm at my side for 30 seconds. This is enough for it to record my stand credit every time.

I'll have to try those suggestions next time it happened. I actually have 13 stands credited today and that's with missing 2 this afternoon! Unfortunately the closest Apple Store is over an hour away so I can't just run in and have it checked out.
Ya.... it most definitely needs to have your arms moving. I was in Rite Aid one Sunday morning... walking around the store pushing a cart... Nothing... Nada... No Stand credit! Stupid Watch!

(OK.... not really... I love love love my watch but I'm really really really really ANAL about my rings!)
There ya go --

The watch doesn't know whether you're "up" or "down", it only knows whether your wrist is horizontal or vertical. If I walk around while carrying something in my watch hand (left for me), and my left arm stays basically horizontal, the watch thinks I'm still sitting down.

I can also trick the watch into giving me Stand credit by dangling my arm downward. I was able to reach the daily Stand goal during a six-hour bus trip.

If most of my standing time in an hour -- like, while waiting for the subway -- is spent noodling around on my phone or holding a coffee, and my watch is mostly horizontal, it thinks I'm actually sitting, and I might not get credit.

Now, if the watch fails to register Stand credit at all, it could be a problem. If it still correctly turns on when raising your wrist, it's probably not an accelerometer problem, because the same chip is used for Stand and Activity tracking.

Check again when the time gets to :50 and it prompts you to stand. If you can drop your hand and move it around -- sitting or standing -- and the watch gives you credit, the watch is fine. Think about your movement patterns instead.
Totally agree. I have seen so many posts that people stand for an entire hour and nothing. It really does need the watch arm to move. Doesn't need massive movement because I get credit for mowing my yard on a riding mower but I don't get credit for driving my car for an hour.

I think Apple is doing a better job for monitoring movement than a few other products. It takes me 2-3 hours to mow my yard in a riding mower and the Apple Watch gives me 2-3 stand goals and about 200 or so calories and maybe half a mile of walking. My old UP24 gave me credit for 5 miles walking and my borrowed Fitbit gave me about 2 miles. So at least one plus. :)
I have a co-worker who uses a stand-up desk all day long and he gets the same messages every hour. He has to swing his Watch arm at his side to get the credit. Oh well, maybe they should rename the ring to "Arm Swing".

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The only fail safe solution, obviously, is to strap it to your thigh.

Makes Apple Pay a little difficult, but you want that blue ring, right?
Don't have an AW yet but in order to meet the stand goal do I need to stand the last 10 mins of the hour? I do a lot of standing/short walking throughout the day but not always at the last 10-5 mins of the hour. Will I still get credit for standing any other part of the day?
It doesn't have to be during the last 10 minutes as long as you can get the watch to register. Sometimes I am up multiple times during an hour and at 10 till will get the notification to stand. If you are obsessive about your stands it can be really frustrating.
I have found it only takes 30 seconds of Watch arm swinging after the 50 minute mark to register the stand goal. Of course, if you have enough arm movement prior to the 50 minute point, the stand reminder does not display.

I got the alert a couple times last night. While still sitting, I lowered my arm and moved it around for a bit. Ta-da! Credit.

I also got the alert then stood up to take some dishes to the kitchen, holding one in each hand. I went to the sink, rinsed them off, and still didn't get credit -- because my arm was still horizontal.. I didn't get credit until after I lowered my wrist.
Ya.... it most definitely needs to have your arms moving. I was in Rite Aid one Sunday morning... walking around the store pushing a cart... Nothing... Nada... No Stand credit! Stupid Watch!

(OK.... not really... I love love love my watch but I'm really really really really ANAL about my rings!)

Sorry I couldn't resist....but anal about your rings? Bwahahahahaha!!!!! *ehem*
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