Hi, guys! Before couple of days I accidentally copied a big movie folder (or file) into a note in Notes app. I was thinking that I'm pasting a text... After I saw that the files showed up in the note, I selected them and delete them. After that I deleted the whole note even in the deleted folder. After that I noticed that I have a lot of System Data - 72GB to be exact. After some investigation reading articles and watching videos... I opened the Library folder in Users on my HDD and and I found that in Group Containers/group.com.apple.notes/Accounts/XXXXXXXX(some kind of account code I guess)/Media/XXXXXX(another code) there are two folders of 27GBs. And inside them there are a zip file and a folder of the exact same movie I accidentally copied in the note a couple of days ago. I deleted even the original folder of the movie (yes, from the bin also) and even after that the video file is playable from those two folders. That's very odd for me! I guess that I can delete those folders but I don't feel really comfortable messing around with system files and folders. I found similar problems on the web but no solution. It will be helpful if somebody can clear the things for me. I'm using macOS Monterey 12.7.5 on MacBook Pro Mid 2015. Thanks in advance!