Please re-read. I never at any point in time said anything about or implied there was any sort of existence of a "system-wide" Dark Mode.There is no and never was any system-wide Dark Mode.
Thank goodness. It looks good in apps but for some reason file managers look terrible with it. Probably because our eyes have to shift too much between reading black on white and then white on black.There is no and never was any system-wide Dark Mode.
There is no and never was any system-wide Dark Mode.
Hopefully Apple adds it in a later beta, but if not I'm still looking forward to High Sierra
Don't hold your breath. You may as well wait for 10.14. Apparently at Apple they can't care less about what customers want in terms of aesthetic. What annoys me the most is that it was there indeed, and Apple removed it. I'm sick of this design trend (even in Android) where everything must be white or grey.
That is a good thing. If every segment of customers all got their way when it comes to "aesthetics", then Apple products would be a jumbled mess. Don't over estimate how important a few thousand people on internet forums are when it comes to this stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if 90 percent of Mac users have no clue you can change the colors of the menu bar and dock as is.