I'm using a NSTextview with text in, and stepping through with a regex search highlighting the match result, I then want to replace only some of the results, so I can't do a replace all.
However in the regex is a lookbehind, so the selection is then not matching again for the replace.
Any ideas on how to replace just the one match that I want?
I need to redo the search matching the regex, but with a replace on only the required one.
the search regex contains:
which matches a space before eol char
The replace is with nothing - so it's removing the space
Say some sample text (the first three text lines all have a space char at end) is:
The search will only match the 2nd and 3rd text lines.
The search function is as follows
Which is called from
and the Replace function is as follows - Which I need to fix - getting more text than just selected
However in the regex is a lookbehind, so the selection is then not matching again for the replace.
Any ideas on how to replace just the one match that I want?
I need to redo the search matching the regex, but with a replace on only the required one.
the search regex contains:
(?<=([^p]\.) $
The replace is with nothing - so it's removing the space
Say some sample text (the first three text lines all have a space char at end) is:
p. And Here's an end space.
that last end space is the only one I want to have replaced.
The search will only match the 2nd and 3rd text lines.
The search function is as follows
- (void)searchText:(NSString *)searchString inTextView:(NSTextView *)textView options:(NSRegularExpressionOptions)options
NSString *allText = textView.string;
NSError *error;
NSRegularExpression *regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:searchString options:options error:&error];
NSRange curRange = [[[textView selectedRanges] objectAtIndex:0] rangeValue];
NSInteger insertion = curRange.location + curRange.length;
NSRange cursorRange = NSMakeRange(insertion, allText.length - insertion);
NSRange newSelection = [regex rangeOfFirstMatchInString:allText options:0 range:cursorRange];
if (newSelection.location == NSNotFound) {
NSLog(@"Not Found!");
} else {
[textView setSelectedRange:newSelection];
[textView scrollRangeToVisible:newSelection];
Which is called from
- (IBAction)clickedSearch:(id)sender {
NSString *searchString = [findSearchField stringValue];
NSInteger searchStringLength = [searchString length];
if (!searchStringLength > 0) {
[self searchText:searchString inTextView:_textview options:NSRegularExpressionAnchorsMatchLines];
and the Replace function is as follows - Which I need to fix - getting more text than just selected
- (IBAction)clickedReplace:(id)sender {
NSString *searchString = [findSearchField stringValue];
NSString *replaceString = [findReplaceField stringValue];
NSError *error;
NSRegularExpression *regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:searchString options:NSRegularExpressionAnchorsMatchLines error:&error];
NSString *textString = [[_textview string] substringWithRange:[_textview selectedRange]];
NSString *modifiedString = [regex stringByReplacingMatchesInString:textString options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [textString length]) withTemplate:replaceString];
[_textview insertText:modifiedString];