So I was swapping disks and gpus around on my cMPs, when at some stage I booted one up and checked the info screen, and there it was, Nvidia GT 120 running Mojave!
This system previously had an RX 560 when Mojave was installed, but now was booting into Mojave (with the boot screen of course due to the GT 120) and displaying Mojave (a bit on the slow side).
So you can't install Mojave with the GT 120 but you can run it if it was previously installed with a compatible gpu?
This system previously had an RX 560 when Mojave was installed, but now was booting into Mojave (with the boot screen of course due to the GT 120) and displaying Mojave (a bit on the slow side).
So you can't install Mojave with the GT 120 but you can run it if it was previously installed with a compatible gpu?