Just a simple question....
Why they don't embed cuda with web driver?
And we always have to install seperately cuda driver?
There are embedded drivers in the operating system for some Nvidia solutions, macOS always Had principle that you don't need drivers at all for printers or anything . In the past there have been even third party drivers which came with the operating system.
For users of iMacs MacBooks or MacBook pros who have Nvidia inside - The Nvidia driver is not necessary , but they need a separate installer for Cuda.
Only PC graphic cards without
EFI-mac-rom need the Nvidia driver , but these hardware is not officially supported ...
It works but it is a gray zone
In the press release Nvidia promised to support Pascal chips, but there is no official Macintosh card with this chipset. There is not even an mac since two years with Nvidia hardware.
The eGPU solutions for MacOS Will be released next year spring.
So people who installed on a MacBook with Nvidia card the operating system they do not necessarily need CUDA,
But we designers, Creative content creators we do not like AMD because in Boot Camp we get the absolute power of CUDA which is even better than vulcan or any hybrid solution (Cpu+Gpu).Maxwell renderer for example has even a BETA support for CUDA in OS X and the speed is not bad. CUDA versions change more often then the graphics driver for the operating system , but I am thinking as you, I would prefer to have one installer package from Nvidia ,in the end it is A competitor to open-cl or metal2. And we know Apple do not like competitors