This is an old thread but I recently got an Oculus Quest and tried using it via the link cable with my iMac Pro 10C/Vega 64 in Boot Camp. It runs flawlessly in even the most demanding VR games at high settings like Alyx. It even runs well wirelessly with Virtual Desktop!!
I did install the custom AMD drivers from but the stock apple provided ones also work well enough.
I installed all the games to a cheap external SSD (steam and oculus make this easy to do) to save space with a minimal bootcamp partition size.
then I tried the same thing with my 16” MBP with the 5500M 8gb graphics. It also works just as well as the iMac Pro - alyx is totally playable - but with games at lower settings. Still. It works with no other notable compromises. The 5500M ia close to ballpark of a desktop 580 so it meets PCVR specs.
I’ve been astonished by this. It’s a whole new world.
Arm based macs in future may not include boot camp but that’s WAY off for pro level macs... and gaming PCS are getting quite cheap anyway. I don’t think boot camp is going away anytime soon. This is a great time to try PCVR on a Modern Mac with Boot camp.